On Fri, Jul 29, 2011 at 10:40 AM, Ken <kmai...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ooops.  Now I have messed up my installation.
Sorry for that.

> I copied the stdtoolbar.inc from the installation folder on C:\Program
> Files to the "ui" folder in my LyX2.0 user directory and was playing
> around with it.  But then my toolbar disappeared.  When I tried
> deleting the .inc files from my user ui folder so that the defaults
> would be used, the toolbars seem to have shrunk.  Please see the
> attached screenshot.
> I have tried re-installing LyX but this has not helped (as I suspect
> the problem is somewhere in my user directory).  Has anyone come
> across this issue and happen to know where the incorrect setting may
> be?
Follow Rainer's advice, and if that fails, start a new thread on this
list. Also go to View > Toolbars and try hiding/showing them.

Thinking more about your original enquiry, it could be as simple as
the following: define a
command-sequence buffer-view pdf2 ; buffer-export pdf2 ;

command in Tools > Options > Editing > Shortcuts. It seems to work here.

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