I have been having some problems running LyX 2.0 on 64-bit Windows 7 in
contrast to Win-XP 32-bit. In the latter, I can place a custom style (.sty)
file, corresponding layout (.layout) file, and graphic files that are
inserted by the style into the directory my document is located and
everything gets included correctly. In Windows 7 64-bit, that does not work.
I have to install the .sty into MikTeX, regen the FNDB for MikTeX, insert
the .layout into Program Files/LyX20/Resources/layouts and reconfigure LyX.
However, even after doing that, the graphics that are inserted by the style
are not copied to the temporary directory LyX is using. I must run a Latex
operation once, find where the temporary directory is located and then copy
the graphic files manually to that directory. After that the latex operation
completes. Note that on 64-bit Windows, LyX installs into Program Files
(x86) instead of Program Files.

Are these known problems? Are there any known or suggested work-arounds? Is
there any directory I can put the graphic files that will get automatically
searched? I tried a newly created subdirectory in Program
Files/LyX20/Resources/images. Would it instead work if I didn't put them in
a sub directory?

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