Hi LyXers,

Has anyone ever successfully embed parts of Doxygen generated
documentation into LyX documents (Appendix in my case)?

I would like to have couple pages of the documentation be presented as
appendixes in my thesis, however single latex file included in LyX
want work due to "Lonely \item" errors, and I cannot include all
refman.tex as it is full documents with all headers.

Manual striping of them is not a case - it is far better not include
anything. This is because at any time Doxygen would rerun to generate
new version of reference documentation. It would be probably nice to
have such feature in Doxygen itself to generate stripped .tex for
including in other document. However such requirement has to be
somehow defined - what should be present in that file, and what not.
Maybe some LyX modules could be used to feed package dependencies.

Any advices? Any solutions?
jabber: manv...@manveru.pl
     gg: 1624001

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