Dear Users,

Sorry that I've been incommunicado for the past few months. I've been 
extraordinarily busy getting married, trying to wrap up a never-ending book 
project, and digging myself out of enormous holes at work. However, I wanted to 
raise something I saw on the list last week (I think that it was last week.)

Are there any good beginner video tutorials that cover LyX? I followed most of 
the discussion, but wasn't sure if a consensus emerged. Nor was it really clear 
if this was a resource that we should invest time in creating.

I know that there are several very good guides. Liviu created one which I 
skimmed, and we have the official documentation (which is excellent); and these 
are fantastic for users who have already decided to use the program.

However, I'm wondering if it might be worthwhile to also create a series of 
short videos that might also be used for promotion, training, etc. This series 
could certainly be aimed at helping current users, but I'm also thinking that 
beginner videos which show how LyX works might be good for brand new users who 
need a reason to try it out.  Something perhaps along the lines of what Apple 
has done with their iWork Suite [1]

For the realm of software, while text is great, video is much better. It may 
even be best for demonstrating software how-to. Because I've needed extra money 
to pay for the trappings that accompany weddings, I've started teaching a few 
technology courses. (Playing with tech is something I enjoy and I found people 
who will indulge me.) Over the past six months or so, I've found that video 
tutorials are a great way to demonstrate tech and discuss tech ideas. 

(Mostly because they require you to script each step of a demonstration and if 
something refuses to work, you can expand the video to show why in a structured 
manner. This is much less aggravating than having things break real time.)

Might it be worthwhile to produce video tutorials for the current versions of 
LyX? If so, what topics might we want to cover? I've got several tutorials that 
I'm working on for the never-ending book project. They will cover:

1.) Installation and Setup
2.) The UI and Productively (LyX-Codes, Shortcuts, Styles)
3.) Bibliographies and Automatically Generated Lists
4.) Using Sweave and Other Advanced Features
5.) Going from Outline to Draft (Outline Tools)

Are there any other topic that might be good to include? Are there any special 
features which would merit their own videos? Is there any budding videographer 
who might be willing to help produce such videos (see legal note below)? I'm 
thinking about producing something similar to these [2]. Having help would be 

Any interest?



Legal Note (Since I know someone will ask):

I plan on releasing nearly all of the templates, videos and other materials 
from the book under a Creative Commons Attribution license. Hopefully some of 
it might even be able to be included in LyX. Perhaps that might include the 
scripts of the videos, animations, illustrations, etc. so they could then be 
easily updated for future versions?


[1] iWork,
[2] Networking Video Tutorials.

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