On Tuesday 25 October 2011 18:22:50 Rob Oakes wrote:

> 1.) Installation and Setup
perhaps in connection with texlive, especially the PATH issue for the 
different OS's and for Linux OS for the different distributions (eg Debian-
based). Reason: If somebody tries to use LyX and fails to install it 
properly, he is likely to not to continue.
> 2.) The UI and Productively (LyX-Codes, Shortcuts, Styles)
> 3.) Bibliographies and Automatically Generated Lists
also Biblatex and reference managers such as Jabref
> 4.) Using Sweave and Other Advanced Features
> 5.) Going from Outline to Draft (Outline Tools)
taken from Liviu:
6. presentations (beamer and powerdot)
7.graphics, such as TikZ, 
remark: I am not familiar with TikZ, but find pyxplot quite handy for 
diagrams. It's a derivative of pyx, but in my opinion easier. My wishes for 
pyxplot are twofold: to have a gui overlay, like LyX is for LaTeX, and to 
integrate it into LyX, which is probably easy. Pyxplot uses LaTeX.

8. the most common errors experienced in LyX and LaTeX and how to handle 
them (eg citations with a different coding, ...)

> Are there any other topic that might be good to include? Are there any
> special features which would merit their own videos? Is there any
> budding videographer who might be willing to help produce such videos
> (see legal note below)? I'm thinking about producing something similar
> to these [2]. Having help would be marvelous.
> Any interest?
yes, a lot

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