On 11/29/2011 04:17 PM, Stephan Witt wrote:
> Am 29.11.2011 um 22:07 schrieb Richard Heck:
>> My book, /Frege's Theorem/, which was both written with and typeset from
>> LyX, has just recently been published by Oxford University Press. You
>> can have a look at the pages, if you wish, from its page on Amazon:
>>    http://www.amazon.com/Freges-Theorem-Richard-G-Heck/dp/0199695644/
>> LyX gets mentioned on p. xii, which seems currently to be part of the
>> "preview". The font is just New Century Schoolbook. The document class
>> was written by me to OUP's specifications and will go up on CTAN when I
>> get some time.
>> Thanks to everyone in the LyX community for such a great program, and
>> for all the help I got on the user's list when I was starting out!
> Cool. You're really productive! 
Well, it's twenty years worth of work....

> Congratulations!


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