On 26/01/2012 11:21 AM, Emilio Murado wrote:
Hi all.

I have a problem numbering tables. I have a table nested into another, and
both are inside a figure.

When I take a look at the figures inside LyX, they are all ok. But when I
export to DVI or PDF, the figures are counting in +2 increments. The first
figure is 2, the second is 4... I tried to replicate my problem in a simple
file and works OK even in exported files, but when I try my code in another
document, I'm still having this problem.

Can anyone help me?

The tableTest is created from scratch and numbering works OK, but the other
file (realProblem) is copied from my code and it's buggy. Can you help me,

I'm sorry about my english :/

Thanks in advance.


Quick question: why would you nest tables within figures?


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