On Tue, 7 Feb 2012, the wise Julien Rioux wrote:

It's good that you narrowed it down to just the table of content. If you can create a very minimal example LyX file that reproduces the problem, consider posting it to the list so that others can have a look too. Also, you may export your problematic file to latex (pdflatex), run pdflatex on it from the command line, and see if you get any more details in the output.

After a long search I found out that it wasn't the TOC as I thought (well maybe indirectly) but the use of a self made bibliography style. I made my own .bst with makebst some time ago. It seems that this caused suddenly (don't know why) problems with the bibliography and the TOC.

After replacing the style to jurabib in the bibliography and changing the citation style (in document settings) to jurabib, the error messages are gone. When playing around with the style, similar errors come back so for now I'm using jurabib and try to make a .bst as I want it later.



For a light heart lives long.
                -- William Shakespeare, "Love's Labour's Lost"

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