On 07.03.2012 16:35, Stephan Witt wrote:
Am 07.03.2012 um 15:50 schrieb Indrek Tuula:

Hi Again,

I totally agreed aspell is better than hunspell. Especially if you working with 
some small language.

Why is aspell better than hunspell?

At least I can answer from my point of view. It just boils down to 1 difference: aspell had no issue for me. hunspell does not allow me to use English and allow coumpound words as aspell did(*). When I opened my documents, I had to either add plenty of words to the dictionary or change them to 2 words. That was a lot of work.

But I can understand that some people have seen improvements with hunspell versus aspell.

Best regards,




(*) I did spend a lot of time googling for a solution, just to find I was not the only one hit.

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