From: Paul A. Rubin []
Sent: Wednesday, May 09, 2012 8:10 PM

>This is a major PITA.  Horizontal scrollbars have been suggested, and I suspect
>there's a (long) open ticket for it.

Yes, here:

>My preferred workaround used to be to select the entire equation and use ctrl-M
>to convert it back to plain text, dink around with that, then ctrl-M again to
>make it a formula once more.  That no longer works (I'm not sure which version
>did away with it).

I didn't know that this is how it used to work. I wonder why it was changed. 
For something similar, see workaround 1 below.

Here are 3 workarounds to long inline math equations that you might find useful.

workaround 1:
Convert the math to LaTeX, edit the LaTeX, then convert back to math.

Two ways to do this:
(a) You could bind the following command-sequence to a shortcut. Then put your 
cursor in front of your long equation and run the shortcut.
command-sequence char-forward; line-end-select ; cut; char-backward; paste; 

(b) Or if you want to do it manually, go just inside the equation and do 
ctrl+shift+<right arrow> or ctrl+end. Both of those work for me. And then go 
outside of math and paste. It should now show up as LaTeX.

To convert from LaTeX back to math, highlight the LaTeX code and do ctrl+m.

workaround 2:
Bind the following command to a shortcut. This will "split" an inline math 
inset into two separate inline math insets.
command-sequence line-end-select; cut; char-forward; math-mode; paste; 
char-forward; word-backward

You might need to do that more than once (at different positions, of course) 
depending on how long your equation is.
To then paste them back together into one math inset highlight them all and 
press ctrl+m. 

workaround 3:
zoom out (ctrl + scroll wheel).

I wonder if we should create a wiki page for workarounds to this issue as it 
seems to come up often and a fix seems to be too difficult. If anyone is up to 
it, please go ahead, and then link to it from here


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