>>  I start new book with koma-script and option fancy headings.

>>  I put TOC after dedication and noted that headers are printed in page
>> of Introduction.
>>  How I can solve this problem?

>The best advice is probably to read the fancy headings documentation. :-)
>With that said when I use koma-script I defined the headings for normal
>pages and also for "empty" style pages by enclosing the definition on
>\fancypagestyle . [...]

Excuse me, I will try to explain the problem better.
I have title page, TOC, a chapter*, and then, chapters.
In > Document > Settings I selected koma-script book and in Page 
Style > Headings and Footer Style I left "Default" option.

When I "compile" I can see:

page 1: Title and author page
page 2: blank
page 3: TOC
page 4: first page of Introducction
page 5: second page of Introducction BUT IN HEADERS APPEARS "Contents"

This is the problem.


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