My book has several long exhibits or examples that may be multiple pages 
long (such as verbatim copies of software agreements and lists of 
software packages and descriptions).  Instead of putting at end of book 
as appendix material, I am including them directly in the chapters with 
the related content.

I'd like it to be identified somehow to be extra content so it doesn't 
break the flow of the reading and is easily identified.

Some ideas I tried:

- alltt environment but the fixed font went beyond right margins and no 
caption for each page.

- sloppypar with texttt -- that was fine but didn't identify it was 
different than rest of content other than font change. (I don't care if 
the content paragraphs are reformatted.) Also no caption for each page.

- longtable with vertical and horizontal borders (a box) with the 
sloppypar and texttt for content inside and a caption at the bottom.

I also changed the tablename (and listtablename) to be "Exhibit"
instead "Table".  (By the way, do any of you do this? What do you call 

The problem with this is that the caption is only on one page. Also I 
may have bottom hline and caption on page by itself.

And on another example the content just goes off the bottom margin 
instead of continuing to next page.

- Used framed package with leftbar environment. That is fine but no 
caption (need a float? but that won't work for a multipage?)

I will next try using lstlistings with lstcaptioncont (so I can have 
captions on every page). But I want the text paragraphs to flow together 
instead of going out into right margin. Any ideas on that?  (Instead of 
continuing to spend more hours trying new ideas, I decided now to ask 
the list :)

Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas on how to do this better?

Thank you,

  Jeremy C. Reed

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