On 01/05/2013 12:14 PM, Csikos Bela wrote:

I am preparing a document where I use enumerated list using enumerate-resume 
(by loading Customizable lists (enumitem) module).
The the document structure is as follows:

- enumitem-resume paragraph including short title
- regular paragraph including centered text/figure block
- enumitem-resume paragraph including short title
- regular paragraph including centered text/figure block
- enumitem-resume paragraph including short title
- regular paragraph including centered text/figure block

and so forth.

I want all

- enumitem-resume paragraph incouding short title
- regular paragraph including centered text/figure block

pairs keep together on the same page, that is I don't want
page break between the enumitem-resume and the following
regular paragraph.

How can I achieve this?

In my output many pairs are separated.
The short title is at the bottom of the page and the
following text is at the top of the next page.

I attach an example, lyx and output pdf file.
See item 5 and the following black block,
item 9 and the following block.
The usual way to keep stuff together is to use a minipage (Box), but that won't work here, since it messes up the numbering. Probably there is some more complicated method involving \nopagebreak, but my own sense in cases like this is that the effort required to figure that out is probably not worth it. Just insert manual page breaks when you are done with the paper.


Thanks in advance,


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