Thanks for continuing to support the module. I'm not sure if you have
the time, but it would be great if some the useful tips were posted on
a wiki page, which many users find easier to read than going through
an email conversation. You could make a page and then link to it from
the module description:



On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 3:42 PM, Thomas Coffee <> wrote:
> In case it is helpful to anyone, I am posting below a recent
> conversation working out some issues with an installation of the
> SageTeX module previously discussed on this thread:
> Dear mr McCoffee,
> I was very excited when I discovered your module for integrating Sage
> with LyX. But I'm afraid I need a little bit more help to make it
> work.
> I managed to setup the one-step conversion in LyX, however, when I
> apply it to your file example.lyx all sage-blocks display as double
> questionmarks in the .pdf file. Can you point me to a more detailed
> tutorial on how to use this LyX module?
> Here is what I did:
>     downloaded example.lyx,,, sage.module
> and preferences to the desktop
>     edited to reflect non-standard paths on my system
> (~/.lyx2 and /opt/sage-5.2)
>     ran (sudo bash
> I checked that is copied to the sage directory,
> the preferences file to ~/lyx2 and sage.module to the layouts folder
> in ~/lyx2.
> I also copied sagetex.sty to /home/dd/texmf, my user texmf folder.
> I noticed the following error in the console from which I started LyX2:
> insets/InsetLayout.cpp (191): Flex insets must have names of the form
> `Flex:<name>'.
> This one has the name `sagecommand'
> I hope you can help me out,
> yours sincerely
> Dirk Danckaert
> Hi Dirk,
> I'm currently running LyX 2.0.0 with Sage 4.8 on Ubuntu 11.10. Since
> my Sage version is old (for complicated reasons), it's possible
> something has changed in SageTeX, but let's try some other things
> before I install another Sage.
> I get the same message you do about the insets, along with some other
> LyX complaints, and they are not causing me problems (yet), so that
> may not be something to worry about.
> Since you're on Ubuntu, one possible source of trouble (which happened
> to me when I changed machines) is that, if you're using TeXLive, the
> potentially mis-matched version of SageTeX that it includes can stick
> around and pre-empt the correct one (even if you've followed the
> instructions ---
> --- to install the one from your Sage distribution into LaTeX. Try
> making sure it's gone by doing something like
> sudo rm -r /usr/share/texmf-texlive/tex/latex/sagetex
> sudo texhash
> - Thomas
> Hi Thomas,
> I have corrected at least one error while checking things out again.
> Seems the copying of sagetex.sty had not been done as it should.
> However, still no joy. I did the two sudo-commands, with no
> error-messages. I loaded example.lyx and tried a .pdf-export (I chose
> /File/Export/PDF (pdflatex+sagetex). As a result I got the error
> message
> An error occurred while running:
> "example.sagetex.sage"
> I tried to make sense of that but I couldn't:
> must be located in the SAGE-directory, isn't it?
>     So how does it find the .sagetex.sage-file?
> I tried to locate example.sagetex.sage (I thought this is an
> intermediate file produced by LyX) in the directory that contained
> example.lyx (a folder on my desktop) but it wasn't there.
> Is there perhaps a simpler test that I could perform, e.g. just
> calculate 1+1 in LyX?
> Dirk
> Hi Dirk,
> In order to figure out what's going on, please try running LyX from a
> terminal window and running the export again --- then the error
> messages from the call to will be visible in the
> terminal.
> I believe you edited the script included with the module to
> point to your Sage installation at /opt/sage-5.2. The script normally
> puts in this same directory and adds that
> directory to the execution path. However, it doesn't make that change
> to the execution path permanent --- when you start a new shell, it
> won't be there --- so in retrospect, it's probably a better idea to
> move or link to somewhere like /usr/local/bin
> where it can always be found. You can always do `echo $PATH' to make
> sure it's somewhere findable. (The reason I did it this way was that,
> in the Sage installations I had used before, it was normally necessary
> to permanently add the Sage directory to the execution path anyway, so
> it didn't occur to me this would be a problem.)
> In the LyX that I'm running, it does all its LaTeX file operations in
> an auto-generated temporary directory with a name like
> `/tmp/lyx_tmpdir.J23736/lyx_tmpbuf2' (to avoid cluttering your file
> system). This is where I would expect `example.sagetex.sage' to
> appear. It might be helpful to see the files it generates in this
> directory to make sure things are working right --- but whenever we
> make any changes, clear out the old files so we know what's new.
> If you want, you can replace the Sage insets in example.lyx with a
> single simpler one, but I doubt it will help much --- once we get Sage
> doing its job, the whole thing should run very fast.
> - Thomas
> Hi Thomas,
> First I have to thank you for your time and patience. But I think I'm
> making progress. As you assumed, the system couldn't find
>, and I learned a lesson in using the terminal.
> (I'm an ex-windows user, and hence I acquired some bad habits I
> guess.)
> I then moved to /usr/local/bin and - on second try
> - had a complaint about permissions. I then change-modded the
> permissions on to 777, and this time the script
> was executed.
> However, now it is TeX which is complaining. This is the message on
> which the script hangs (I stop it with some <Ctrl-C>'s, or just by
> waiting long enough).dd@Dokux:~$ lyx2
>     insets/InsetLayout.cpp (191): Flex insets must have names of the
> form `Flex:<name>'.
>     This one has the name `sagecommand'
>     Ignoring LyXType declaration.
>     LyX: Unknown InsetLayout tag [around line 2 of file  current
> token: 'custom' context: '']
>     LyX: Unknown InsetLayout tag [around line 12 of file  current
> token: 'OptionalArgs' context: '']
>     LyX: Unknown InsetLayout tag [around line 13 of file  current
> token: '0' context: '']
>     LyX: Unknown InsetLayout tag [around line 13 of file
> /tmp/lyx_tmpdir.TJ2300/convert_layout.kn2300 current token:
> 'OptionalArgs' context: '']
>     LyX: Unknown InsetLayout tag [around line 14 of file
> /tmp/lyx_tmpdir.TJ2300/convert_layout.kn2300 current token: '0'
> context: '']
>     Running: pdflatex  "example.tex" > /dev/null
>     This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-1.40.10 (TeX Live 2009/Debian)
>     entering extended mode
>     (./example.tex
>     LaTeX2e <2009/09/24>
>     Babel <v3.8l> and hyphenation patterns for english, usenglishmax,
> dumylang, noh
>     yphenation, farsi, arabic, croatian, bulgarian, ukrainian,
> russian, czech, slov
>     ak, danish, dutch, finnish, french, basque, ngerman, german,
> german-x-2009-06-1
>     9, ngerman-x-2009-06-19, ibycus, monogreek, greek, ancientgreek,
> hungarian, san
>     skrit, italian, latin, latvian, lithuanian, mongolian2a,
> mongolian, bokmal, nyn
>     orsk, romanian, irish, coptic, serbian, turkish, welsh, esperanto,
> uppersorbian
>     , estonian, indonesian, interlingua, icelandic, kurmanji,
> slovenian, polish, po
>     rtuguese, spanish, galician, catalan, swedish, ukenglish, pinyin, loaded.
>     Running: pdflatex  "example.tex" > /dev/null
>     This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-1.40.10 (TeX Live 2009/Debian)
>     entering extended mode
>     (./example.tex
>     LaTeX2e <2009/09/24>
>     Babel <v3.8l> and hyphenation patterns for english, usenglishmax,
> dumylang, noh
>     yphenation, farsi, arabic, croatian, bulgarian, ukrainian,
> russian, czech, slov
>     ak, danish, dutch, finnish, french, basque, ngerman, german,
> german-x-2009-06-1
>     9, ngerman-x-2009-06-19, ibycus, monogreek, greek, ancientgreek,
> hungarian, san
>     skrit, italian, latin, latvian, lithuanian, mongolian2a,
> mongolian, bokmal, nyn
>     orsk, romanian, irish, coptic, serbian, turkish, welsh, esperanto,
> uppersorbian
>     , estonian, indonesian, interlingua, icelandic, kurmanji,
> slovenian, polish, po
>     rtuguese, spanish, galician, catalan, swedish, ukenglish, pinyin, loaded.
>     Running: "example.sagetex.sage"
>     This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-1.40.10 (TeX Live 2009/Debian)
>     entering extended mode
>     (./example.sagetex.sage
>     LaTeX2e <2009/09/24>
>     Babel <v3.8l> and hyphenation patterns for english, usenglishmax,
> dumylang, noh
>     yphenation, farsi, arabic, croatian, bulgarian, ukrainian,
> russian, czech, slov
>     ak, danish, dutch, finnish, french, basque, ngerman, german,
> german-x-2009-06-1
>     9, ngerman-x-2009-06-19, ibycus, monogreek, greek, ancientgreek,
> hungarian, san
>     skrit, italian, latin, latvian, lithuanian, mongolian2a,
> mongolian, bokmal, nyn
>     orsk, romanian, irish, coptic, serbian, turkish, welsh, esperanto,
> uppersorbian
>     , estonian, indonesian, interlingua, icelandic, kurmanji,
> slovenian, polish, po
>     rtuguese, spanish, galician, catalan, swedish, ukenglish, pinyin, loaded.
>     ! You can't use `macro parameter character #' in vertical mode.
>     l.1 #
>          # -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
> It seems a bit strange that pdfTeX should process the file three
> times. Maybe I should have left the comment lines in the script?
> Here's the script that I am running:
>     #!/bin/bash
>     sagefile=$1
>     texfile=${sagefile%.sagetex.sage}.tex
>     # for one-step conversion, uncomment lines below and corresponding
> line in ~/.lyx/preferences
>     texfile=$1
>     sagefile=${texfile%.tex}.sagetex.sage
>     pdflatex $texfile
>     sage $sagefile
>     pdflatex $texfile
>     exit 0
> I found the lyx temporary directory too. I see now that TeX is trying
> to tex example.sagetex.sage, which is meant to be processed by sage of
> course. If you should need them I can send you the tex-logs too, or I
> can try to analyse them myself if you can tell what to look for.
> Dirk
> Hi Dirk,
> Yes, for now you should leave the three lines commented out in
> as they were originally.
> The module was designed to support two different modes of doing the
> conversion: (a) a two-step mode, the default; and (b) a one-step mode.
> If you uncomment the lines in, it tries to use the
> one-step mode, but in order for this to work at all, you also need to
> uncomment the corresponding LyX preferences line included in the
> `preferences' file.
> Looking at the `preferences' file, you'll see that in the two-step
> mode, we tell LyX that it can convert "sagetex" to "sage" using
> pdflatex, and can convert "sage" to "pdf10" using
> LyX figures out that in order to convert "sagetex" to "pdf10", it
> should do both of these in order. In this mode, it will run
> on a Sage file, so the original lines in
> must remain commented out for this to work. The
> advantage of the two-step mode is that any errors generated on the
> first run of pdflatex will show up in LyX, so you can easily see if
> there's a LaTeX problem in your document.
> In the one-step mode, the preferences file tells LyX that to convert
> "sagetex" to "pdf10", it can just use directly. So
> LyX runs on a TeX file, and those lines need to be
> uncommented. The script then does all three steps
> itself: (1) run pdflatex on the TeX file, (2) run sage on the Sage
> file, and (3) run pdflatex on the TeX file again to incorporate the
> results from Sage.
> Leave the original stuff commented out for now so we can use the
> default two-step mode.
> Thomas
> Hi Thomas,
> It works! Works like a charm! Thank you very much: it don't think I
> would have managed to get it working on my own. The possibility to
> define a graph from within LyX will be very useful to me.
> I see that LyX generates a .pdf, in the same directory as the .lyx
> source file. That's perfectly workable, but can I set things up so
> that I have the .pdf automatically opened, as when using normal LyX?
> I thought the 2-step mode would require two actions from the user,
> each time you wanted to process a LyX-file. I understand now that it
> is only the software that does two steps. So what are the advantages
> of using the one-step process?
> Dirk
> Hi Dirk,
> That's great! I hope it's useful to you --- if you make or think of
> any improvements, do let me know so we can make them available. I am
> not actively using it myself at the moment, so I have not made any
> updates since the initial version.
> It's odd that your PDF file doesn't open automatically, which it does
> for me. When I select View >> View (Other Formats) >> PDF
> (pdflatex+sagetex) from the LyX menu on my system, the PDF opens
> automatically in evince. The lines of the LyX preferences file
> included with the module contain the following:
> \Format pdf10   pdf "PDF (pdflatex+sagetex)"    g   xdg-open    ""
> "document,vector,menu=export"
> \viewer_alternatives pdf10 xdg-open
> \viewer_alternatives pdf10 okular
> \viewer_alternatives pdf10 evince
> \viewer_alternatives pdf10 xpdf
> The first line gives the name "pdf10" to the output format we get from
> choosing that option from the View menu (LyX uses the other
> "\converter" lines in file to work out a conversion path to yield that
> format). The other lines above tell it what commands to try for
> opening the resulting file (xdg-open just keeps track of default
> applications for opening various file types, like you have probably
> experienced on Windows). If for some reason you don't have any of
> these PDF viewers, or your xdg-open doesn't point to any suitable
> viewer, your file might not open. Otherwise, I'm not sure ... but I
> think you could always hack it by adding something like the following
> at the end of before the exit code:
> pdffile=${texfile%.tex}.pdf
> evince $pdffile
> (By the way, the current shell script doesn't play nice with file
> names containing spaces ... you can fix this by putting quotation
> marks around anything beginning with `$'.)
> I can't think of a good reason to use the one-step mode instead of the
> two-step mode, but I seem to recall I kept it because it was
> implemented by the person who started work on this module (Murat
> Yildizoglu). It's conceivable it could be marginally faster since LyX
> wouldn't pay attention to any LaTeX messages, but I doubt that's
> significant. The main way to gain speed is to only run pdflatex (and
> not Sage) if the Sage computations have not changed, by using the
> regular pdflatex option from the View menu in LyX --- this is why the
> module leaves that option as the default view method.
> Until I get around to writing a better README file, would you mind if
> I append the transcript of our exchange to the lyx-users thread about
> the module? In case others run into any similar problems ...
> Cheers,
>  Thomas
> Hi Thomas,
> one improvement I can suggest right away: just eliminate that one-step
> process. If its performance gain is indeed minimal, I see no reason to
> keep it. I for one was confused as to its purpose.
> The reason the PDF did not open automatically was because I used the
> File >> Export menu, in stead of the View menu. When I choose View >>
> etc., the PDF does open automatically. I'm a bit puzzled why the new
> format 'PDF (pdflatex + sagetex)' doesn't show up under the toolbar
> button 'View other formats'. I always used this toolbar in stead of
> the View menu, and I just didn't think of it (I mean: the menu).
> Of course you can post our exchange to the lyx-forum. I think the
> combination of LyX - hands down the best text processor I ever worked
> with - and Sage opens vast possibilities. It really should get more
> publicity.
> It seems like a good idea to learn a bit more about the workings of
> LyX. Perhaps you can point me to a good source of information about,
> e.g., the format and purpose of the various entries in the lyx options
> file? Is it dangerous to edit it by hand? (there's a warning not to do
> so) Could I e.g. just clear it and build it anew from inside LyX?
> Thanks again, Thomas, you have been most helpful.
> Hi Dirk,
>     one improvement I can suggest right away: just eliminate that
> one-step process. If its performance gain is indeed minimal, I see no
> reason to keep it. I for one was confused as to its purpose.
> I agree the annotations about it were confusing ... when I get a
> chance to update, I will change this.
>     The reason the PDF did not open automatically was because I used
> the File >> Export menu, in stead of the View menu. When I choose View
>>> etc., the PDF does open automatically. I'm a bit puzzled why the
> new format 'PDF (pdflatex + sagetex)' doesn't show up under the
> toolbar button 'View other formats'. I always used this toolbar in
> stead of the View menu, and I just didn't think of it (I mean: the
> menu).
> Never noticed that before ... I've filed it as a bug:
>     Of course you can post our exchange to the lyx-forum. I think the
> combination of LyX - hands down the best text processor I ever worked
> with - and Sage opens vast possibilities. It really should get more
> publicity.
> In the past I have made extensive use of Mathematica, whose "notebook"
> documents provide a tightly integrated literate programming
> environment. However, since my main interest in literate programming
> has been for reproducible research, this platform had some severe
> limitations (openness, availability to everyone, sophisticated
> document features for paper-writing, and extensibility of the
> underlying computation system). I am currently using LyX and Sage for
> my Ph.D. thesis, and feel like I've finally found the right set of
> tools (though of course there's always more to do).
>     It seems like a good idea to learn a bit more about the workings
> of LyX. Perhaps you can point me to a good source of information
> about, e.g., the format and purpose of the various entries in the lyx
> options file? Is it dangerous to edit it by hand? (there's a warning
> not to do so) Could I e.g. just clear it and build it anew from inside
> LyX?
> I never found a good guide to all of this, though just now I came
> across this page that might be a good place to start:
> . There's some
> information in the Customization manual (Section 5: Installing New
> Document Classes, Layouts, and Templates), but not enough to explain
> the whole module system. I started from a version of this module
> already built by Murat (you can see our discussion here:
> ),
> so I gradually just figured out how to tweak things to get them to
> work.
> Everything that we added to the LyX preferences file for purposes of
> this module can be changed from within LyX under Tools >> Preferences.
> If you go there, you'll see the changes we made already appear in the
> GUI.
>     Thanks again, Thomas, you have been most helpful.
> My pleasure --- thanks for trying it out!
> On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 12:31 PM, Thomas Coffee <> 
> wrote:
>> The attachments on this thread have been posted to the wiki (thanks 
>> Christian):
>> Note that if you customize the sage.module file, you can load the
>> changes immediately by entering "layout-reload" in the minibuffer.
>> As Murat has done: I hereby grant permission to license my
>> contributions to the sage module for LyX under the GNU General Public
>> License, version 2 or later.
>> - Thomas
>> On Sun, Apr 1, 2012 at 12:03 PM, Murat Yildizoglu <> wrote:
>>> Good idea, thanks a lot for the suggestion Xu. Here is my statement (I put
>>> the devel list as CC) :
>>> I hereby grant permission to license my contributions to the SAGE module for
>>> LyX under the GNU
>>> General Public Licence, version 2 or later.
>>> Murat Yildizoglu
>>> 2012/3/31 Xu Wang <>
>>>> Dear Thomas
>>>> Excellent news! Thank you for your continued work. I have not taken a fine
>>>> look at this yet, but I also use Ubuntu so it looks like it might be 
>>>> useful.
>>>> I'm not sure but I think for your contributions to be used you have to
>>>> give permission explicitly. Look at this email:
>>>> You can send something like that to the development list, lyx-devel
>>>> And it could be a good idea for Murat to do the same.
>>>> I'm not sure though.
>>>> In any case, thank you for your continued work. I am appreciative. Xu
>>>> On Sat, Mar 31, 2012 at 3:08 AM, Thomas Coffee <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Murat and Xu,
>>>>> I found your thread in the archives and did some further work on the
>>>>> LyX-SageTeX module that Murat posted previously.
>>>>> I fixed a few things that did not work for me in the version described
>>>>> earlier, and expanded the module specification to provide some
>>>>> additional conveniences for including literate Sage code in LyX
>>>>> documents. There's still much room for development and customization.
>>>>> The attachments comprise a set of files and a shell script ""
>>>>> that should largely automate the configuration process on GNU/Linux
>>>>> systems.
>>>>> *** Help needed:
>>>>> For other interested users, I'd like to upload this to
>>>>>, but I get browser errors for
>>>>> links anywhere under the upload path The page
>>>>> also tells me I will need
>>>>> someone to tell me the upload password. Can anyone assist?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>  Thomas
>>>>> > Hi Xu,
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Thank you for your appreciation. I cannot advance anymore without any
>>>>> > help
>>>>> > from Lyx gurus.
>>>>> > I think I have extracted all the information I can from the help docs.
>>>>> > If I
>>>>> > get any answer to my questions, I can construct a little bit smarter
>>>>> > module
>>>>> > but the one we have now is already usable. With some supplementary
>>>>> > tricks
>>>>> > from the sagetex documentation and through manual executions of the
>>>>> > latex-sage-latex chain, it is possible to make a lot of computations.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > I was also very agreeably surprised that this module can be used for
>>>>> > conversion to HTML from LyX, with figures and all.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > I attach to this message the module in its actual stage and some
>>>>> > instruction for making the conversion chain functional. I hope this
>>>>> > would
>>>>> > already help some of you.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > As soon as I have more information, I will try to complete the module
>>>>> > file.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Best regards,
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Murat
>>>>> >
>>>>> > 2011/10/31 Xu Wang <>
>>>>> >
>>>>> > > Dear Murat,
>>>>> > >
>>>>> > > This is great! I have been waiting for something like this for a long
>>>>> > > time. I also like the Sweave-like philosophy of this. It's more
>>>>> > > transparent
>>>>> > > and reproducible.
>>>>> > >
>>>>> > > I am looking forward to the final release with much excitement.
>>>>> > >
>>>>> > > Thank you for your work!
>>>>> > >
>>>>> > > Best,
>>>>> > >
>>>>> > > Xu
>>>>> > >
>>>>> > >
>>>>> > > On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 12:54 PM, Murat Yildizoglu
>>>>> > > <>wrote:
>>>>> > >
>>>>> > >> Just another mail to correct a problem with the preceding Lyx file
>>>>> > >> (see
>>>>> > >> the new file attached, and the $ signs in ERT boxes, this is
>>>>> > >> connected with
>>>>> > >> the problem I describe below) and ask a question about insets again:
>>>>> > >>
>>>>> > >> What kind of Flex insets can be included in a math mode text? Is
>>>>> > >> this
>>>>> > >> possible at all? Especially in displayed equation where one would
>>>>> > >> like to
>>>>> > >> include results from SAge computations?
>>>>> > >> I cannot write the following in math mode in Lyx, putting the left
>>>>> > >> member
>>>>> > >> in a displayed equation and the right member in a sagecode inset
>>>>> > >> that would
>>>>> > >> be converted to the expression I give
>>>>> > >>  (\sage{integral(x/(x^2+1),x,0,1))
>>>>> > >>        \dfrac{\partial^{4}y}{\partial
>>>>> > >> x^{4}}=\sage{integral(x/(x^2+1),x,0,1)}
>>>>> > >>
>>>>> > >> I meet two problems:
>>>>> > >> 1/ I cannot insert a Flex:sagecommand inset in a displayed equation,
>>>>> > >> Lyx
>>>>> > >> just goes to the next line before inserting it...
>>>>> > >> 2/ I cannot type the sagetex instruction (*sage{}  ) by hand,
>>>>> > >> because
>>>>> > >>  "x^2" in the right member must not be interpreted by LyX, since
>>>>> > >> Sage will
>>>>> > >> need it for its computation.
>>>>> > >>
>>>>> > >> I can of course type everything in an ERT, but this cannot be called
>>>>> > >> "integration" can it? ;-)
>>>>> > >>
>>>>> > >> I have reread again the help document on layouts and insets, and I
>>>>> > >> have
>>>>> > >> checked the files that come in the layout folder of LyX, but cannot
>>>>> > >> find
>>>>> > >> any answer to my question.
>>>>> > >>
>>>>> > >> Sorry for bothering you again with my problems... I hope that Sage
>>>>> > >> integration will interest other people...
>>>>> > >>
>>>>> > >> Murat
>>>>> > >>
>>>>> > >> I definitely need the help of a Lyx wizard who understands well the
>>>>> > >> insets and their integration in Lyx/Latex...
>>>>> > >>
>>>>> > >>
>>>>> > >>
>>>>> > >> 2011/10/31 Murat Yildizoglu <>
>>>>> > >>
>>>>> > >>> Just to show you the kind of niceties that such an integration can
>>>>> > >>> bring, I send you two files. One is the Lyx source and the other
>>>>> > >>> one is the
>>>>> > >>> final PDF.
>>>>> > >>> In Lyx, I just click on the  Preview button and wait a little bit
>>>>> > >>> to get
>>>>> > >>> the final PDF that I show here, with results of the computations
>>>>> > >>> done by
>>>>> > >>> Sage and converted back to Latex.
>>>>> > >>>
>>>>> > >>> The module isfar from perfect yet (this is the first module I am
>>>>> > >>> creating), a better integration between the Latex output by Sage,
>>>>> > >>> and the
>>>>> > >>> math mode in LyX would be implemented to have nice equations
>>>>> > >>> typeset with
>>>>> > >>> equation numbers and what not. You can also see that the output of
>>>>> > >>> the
>>>>> > >>> integral by Sage is not very beautiful...
>>>>> > >>>
>>>>> > >>> I will continue to work on this module, but it is already useful
>>>>> > >>> for me
>>>>> > >>> and eliminates some regrets I feel ;-), since I have dropped
>>>>> > >>> Scientific
>>>>> > >>> Workplace in favor of LyX.
>>>>> > >>>
>>>>> > >>> I hope that you will like this new possibilities.
>>>>> > >>>
>>>>> > >>> Best regards,
>>>>> > >>>
>>>>> > >>> Murat
>>>>> > >>>
>>>>> > >>> PS. Sage lives in:
>>>>> > >>>
>>>>> > >>>
>>>>> > >>> --
>>>>> > >>> Prof. Murat Yildizoglu
>>>>> > >>>
>>>>> > >>> Université Montesquieu Bordeaux IV
>>>>> > >>> GREThA (UMR CNRS 5113)
>>>>> > >>> Avenue Léon Duguit
>>>>> > >>> 33608 Pessac cedex
>>>>> > >>> France
>>>>> > >>>
>>>>> > >>>
>>>>> > >>>
>>>>> > >>>
>>>>> > >>>
>>>>> > >>>
>>>>> > >>>
>>>>> > >>>
>>>>> > >>
>>>>> > >>
>>>>> > >> --
>>>>> > >> Prof. Murat Yildizoglu
>>>>> > >>
>>>>> > >> Université Montesquieu Bordeaux IV
>>>>> > >> GREThA (UMR CNRS 5113)
>>>>> > >> Avenue Léon Duguit
>>>>> > >> 33608 Pessac cedex
>>>>> > >> France
>>>>> > >>
>>>>> > >>
>>>>> > >>
>>>>> > >>
>>>>> > >>
>>>>> > >>
>>>>> > >>
>>>>> > >>
>>>>> > >
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> > --
>>>>> > Prof. Murat Yildizoglu
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Université Montesquieu Bordeaux IV
>>>>> > GREThA (UMR CNRS 5113)
>>>>> > Avenue Léon Duguit
>>>>> > 33608 Pessac cedex
>>>>> > France
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> > h <>ttp://
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> > The Sage module allows the use of the open source Sage mathematical
>>>>> > platform
>>>>> > for computations in Lyx (with results inserted in the final PDF file),
>>>>> > in a
>>>>> > somewhat similar way for R-project with the Sweave module.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > To be able to use it, you must have Sage installed on your computer and
>>>>> > the
>>>>> > "sage" command must be in the path.
>>>>> > See :
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Sage speaks Latex and can interact with it through the sagetex.sty
>>>>> > package.
>>>>> >
>>>>> > See:
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> > 0/ You must have a working Sage system on your computer and the sage
>>>>> > command
>>>>> > must be on the PATH (open a console and type sage and RETURN key to
>>>>> > check it
>>>>> > this is the case).
>>>>> >
>>>>> > 1/Add the sage.module in the layouts folder of your local LyX
>>>>> > configuration
>>>>> > (depends on the system). Start LyX and reconfigure it.
>>>>> > You can now add the Sage module to a new document. This module provides
>>>>> >    - the environments: sageblock and sagesilent
>>>>> >    - the commands: \sage (to be used in-line) and \sageplot (as an
>>>>> > environment,
>>>>> > can be included in a Figure float)
>>>>> > and it needs the sagetex.sty package to be available in your local Tex
>>>>> > installation.
>>>>> > Justfollow the instructions given in the documentation of this package,
>>>>> > for
>>>>> > example
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> > 2/ Add the following sections elements in the preferences file that
>>>>> > lives in
>>>>> > your personal lyx config folder (depends on the system)
>>>>> >
>>>>> > # FORMATS SECTION ##########################
>>>>> > #
>>>>> >
>>>>> > \format "pdf10" "pdf" "PDF" ""
>>>>> > "\"/Applications/_Editiontextes/\"" ""
>>>>> > "document,vector,menu=export"
>>>>> > \format "sage" "sage" "Sage" "" "" "" "document"
>>>>> > \default_view_format pdf10
>>>>> >
>>>>> > #
>>>>> > # CONVERTERS SECTION ##########################
>>>>> > #
>>>>> >
>>>>> >
>>>>> > \converter "latex" "sage" "latex" "latex"
>>>>> > \converter "sage" "pdf10" " $$b" ""
>>>>> >
>>>>> > 3/ You need a bash file for automatically running the .sage file and
>>>>> > get the
>>>>> > results in the final pdf file
>>>>> >
>>>>> > This should be on your path, with the following
>>>>> > content:
>>>>> > #!/bin/sh
>>>>> >
>>>>> > /Applications/_Recherche/
>>>>> >  $1.sage
>>>>> > pdflatex $1.tex
>>>>> > exit 0
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Otherwise,
>>>>> > You can just convert your Lyx document to Sage and then go to the
>>>>> > temporary
>>>>> > folder and execute manually
>>>>> >
>>>>> > (pdf)latex mysagedoc.tex -> generates mysagedoc.sage
>>>>> > sage mysagedoc.sage
>>>>> > (pdf)latex mysagedoc.tex
>>>>> >
>>>>> > Remaining problems and questions:
>>>>> > 1/ How to setup options for environments? Example:
>>>>> > \sageplot[width=12cm]{plot(sin(x), 0, pi), axes=True} -> Bug fix by
>>>>> > Richard
>>>>> > 2/ How to insert Flex insets in math mode, in displayed equations?
>>>>> >  $\dfrac{\partial^{4}y}{\partial
>>>>> > x^{4}}=\sage{integral(x/(x^2+1),x,0,1)}$
>>>>> > x^2 must not be interpreted by LyX in the second part of the equality,
>>>>> > since
>>>>> > Sage will need it for its computation.
>>>>> > 3/ \sage{} does not automatically switch to the math mode. These insets
>>>>> > must be
>>>>> > inserted between two $ sign put in ERT boxes. Then, the problem remains
>>>>> > for the
>>>>> > displayed equations where one would like to include Sage results.
>>> --
>>> Prof. Murat Yildizoglu
>>> Université Montesquieu Bordeaux IV
>>> GREThA (UMR CNRS 5113)
>>> Avenue Léon Duguit
>>> 33608 Pessac cedex
>>> France
>>> Bureau : F-331

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