On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 12:42 PM, EK <ehud.kap...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Scott,
> Your advice works for Windows, but in linux tex-live seem to hide the
> package manager (to enforce unified package updating through the linux
> package manager, I guess).
> I tried to find tlmgr in the ubuntu repositories but failed.

Hi Ehud,

Good point. Because bcsikos mentioned tlmgr I assumed he had it
installed. In Linux the above works also, but you have to install TeX
Live manually instead of using the Ubuntu packages. I recently
transitioned from using the Ubuntu PPA to installing TeX Live manually
so if you would like some advice on this, let me know and I can write
up something. Maybe we could write a Wiki article for this. It's a
little tricky because if you don't use some workarounds, whenever you
try to install an Ubuntu package that depends on LaTeX, Ubuntu will
try to install TeX Live again because it doesn't know that you already
installed it.



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