
I want to publish ebooks and typeset books from the same source, because
today nearly all new books are offered as ebooks and as printed books.

Up to now I didn't find a good solution working out of the box.

Sphinx, the documentation system written in Python offers multiple
output formats from one source, eg. PDF via LaTeX. EPub support is
improving but not perfect yet. You have to tweak it a bit

I now want to give LyX a try, I used it years ago but always went back
to LaTeX.

I saw that there isn't a no epub support in LyX up to now. I read about
exporting to html and converting to epub via Calibre. This is a
workaround I could choose if I had to, but it is not the solution I am
looking for.

So what are the plans for the future? I read about a GSOC project aiming
to implement epub conversion in LyX. Is there a timeframe? In the road
map of 2.1 epub is not mentioned.


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