2013/10/9 Richard Opheim <rvaci...@gmail.com>

> Using LyX, memoir class, I'm trying to write a document in English
> that has Japanese test in it as well. Whenever I try to run it, I get
> "Error: Unicode char \u8:xxx---not set up for use with LaTex." I don't want
> to write the doc in Japanese, just want to put a little Japanese in my
> English doc. There must be a way to do this!

Did you specify the language of the Japanese text (by selecting the text
and then via Edit > Text Style > Language)? Note that there are different
ways of typesetting Japanese, for which you need specific LaTeX packages
and fonts to be installed. The approach of choice also depends on the LaTeX
backend you use (pdflatex vs. XeTeX vs. LuaTeX). If you use pdflatex and
only want to typeset some Japanese chunks, I suppose the "CJK" approach is
most suitable.


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