On 9/10/2013 6:49 a.m., Richard Heck wrote:
On 10/08/2013 01:31 PM, Bert Lloyd wrote:
Dear LyX-Users,

I would like to create the following layout for exchanging comments on
drafts with collaborators:

Text on the left / verso page, right / recto page reserved for notes.
When you insert a note in the text, that note would appear on the
opposite page, at roughly the same height as the text into which it
was inserted. I suppose this is similar to margin notes, but allowing
more space for easier reading.

Is this possible?

You could at least fake it by, e.g., switching to landscape, making a
very large right margin, and then setting some parameter or other
governing marginal notes so that they will print sensibly on the right.
Beyond that, the only way this would be possible is if there is some
LaTeX package that does this kind of thing---or, of course, if someone
were to write one. You could try searching CTAN, perhaps looking for
packages that modify how marginal notes behave.


I believe the eledpar package is designed to do this: the abstract from its documentation says:

The eledmac package, which is based on the Plain TEX set of EDMAC
macros, has been used for some time for typesetting critical editions. The eledpar package is an extension to eledmac which enables texts and their critical apparatus to be typeset in parallel, either in two columns or on pairs of facing pages.

However, it looks kind of complicated.


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