On 02/07/2014 10:31 AM, Rich Shepard wrote:
  I've read the bibliography chapter in the Users Manual, tried using the
bibliography environment, but do not produce the output I want. The document
class is KOMA-Script book. A clue stick is needed.

  In this book I do not cite references but want to include a reference
chapter at the end. References are stored in jabref and I can select a
reference in that database and copy the key to the LyX document by clicking
the jabref LyX button. This puts the grey box citation adjacent to the
bibliography environment key-1 [1], key-2 [2], etc. grey boxes. When I look
at the dvips preview I see only the key-? and not the full reference.

If you use the bibliography environment, they you can't also use a BibTeX database. Rather, you just enter the citation manually.

I could use the bibtex environment instead but don't know where to put the jabref keys so the full references show up in the bibliography at the end.

It doesn't matter where you put them. What does matter is that, when you insert a key, you should click on it and choose "Add to bibliography only" as the citation style.

If you're going to add a bunch, then it is easiest to:
(i) Insert the bibtex inset (Insert> List/TOC> BibTeX bibliography) and choose your database. (ii) Insert> Citation, and select add all the entries you want to this single inset.
(iii) Set citation style to "Add to bibliography only".


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