Thank you! This gets me a lot farther. Now my trouble is that previewing with XeTeX (which I need for my font) fails and gives me 5 identical error messages: Undefined control sequence.


The control sequence at the end of the top line

of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have

misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct

spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,

and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.

When I try previewing with other options, the file displays but there is no bibliography. Following the wiki I copied this into the preamble:


and put the path to my .bib file there as well

\addbibresource{/home/username/Dropbox/LASTNAME Dissertation Year/Dissertation/Master List-Saved.bib}

I inserted the bibliography in a comment near the end (and earlier in a note, with no difference), and right after that, I put \printbibliography in ERT. When I try to preview that, my error messages come up. Any thoughts?


On 02/21/2014 12:13 AM, stefano franchi wrote:
#A prerequisite for using the biblatex package. This module simply
#enables the author/year citation styles without actually loading natbib.
#Biblatex itself needs to be loaded manually. Cf.

Format 11

# this is biblatex actually
Provides natbib         1

# this line simply tricks lyx into tracking the .bcf file provided by biblatex
# and forces it to fire biber.
\typeout{File: \jobname.bcf}

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