Thanks for the details, Alan. Org-mode certainly doesn't seem to lack
power. Scott

On Sun, Mar 2, 2014 at 10:52 PM, Alan L Tyree <> wrote:
> With Org-mode you can enter special symbols, subscripts and superscripts,
> LaTeX fragments and you can preview the LaTeX fragments directly in emacs:
> Special symbols:  \alpha, \beta and \gama
> Super/subscripts: The mass of the sun is M_sun = 1.989 x 10^30 kg
> Math: Let $a^2=b$
> Org-mode is quick to learn for simple things, yet has an amazing depth. And,
> as I mentioned before, it does it all in plain text. It exports to HTML,
> LibreOffice, LaTeX and lots of other things.
> Highly recommended (but you do have to use emacs).
> Cheers,
> Alan
> On 03/03/14 13:17, Scott Kostyshak wrote:
>> Great, thanks for the suggestions. I'll take a look at TreeLine. I'll
>> also look at Org-mode (I don't use Emacs but I'm always interested in
>> trying new tools). I should have mentioned that a lot of the books I
>> read have math in them and I enjoy using LyX to write math-related
>> notes. I guess I'll have to make some sacrifices either way I decide
>> to go.
>> Best,
>> Scott
>> On Sun, Mar 2, 2014 at 2:15 PM, Alan Tyree <> wrote:
>>> I also agree that a good outliner is the way to go. If you use Emacs, the
>>> have a look at Org-mode:  Brilliant stuff all in
>>> plain
>>> text files.
>>> On 3 March 2014 05:53, Rich Shepard <> wrote:
>>>> On Sun, 2 Mar 2014, Scott Kostyshak wrote:
>>>>> I take notes while reading books and am looking for a way to improve
>>>>> my messy organization of them.
>>>>    I agress with Steve that LyX is the wrong tool for taking notes. Take
>>>> a
>>>> very close look at TreeLine <>. It's exactly
>>>> what
>>>> you're looking for.
>>>>    I use it to track contacts with prospects and clients and have for
>>>> several
>>>> years now. It's flexible, adaptable, and will do just what you want as
>>>> long
>>>> as you read the docs and set up the database(s) for your specific needs.
>>>> Rich
>>> --
>>> Alan L Tyree          
>>> Tel:  04 2748 6206  
> --
> Alan L Tyree          
> Tel:  04 2748 6206    

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