Le 27/03/14 14:09, Cee Van Houten a écrit :
Yet i was trying to create a table today which was a little bit to
wide. Lyx didnt warn me it was to wide nor did it make any
corrections itself. and after searching the manual all i could come
up with was this:

\backslash\mbox{columnwidth} =3\, W_{\mathrm{Spalte}}+2\csot0,75\,
W_{\mathrm{Spalte}}+\backslash\mbox {arrayrulewidth}
{tabcolsep}+\backslash\mbox{arrayrulewidth}\right) =4,5\,
W_{\mathrm{Spalte}}+62,4\,\mathrm{pt} W_{\mathrm{Spalte}}
=\frac{\backslash\mbox{columnwidth} -62,4\,\mathrm{pt}}{4,5}

I am not sure where the code you pasted is coming from, but it looks overly scary. I don't get where these \backslash\mbox come from...

so thats the only way to correct that issue without trial and error?
are you kidding me? Or am i missing something? i must be, because MS
word is much easier on that one, as it doesnt require converting the
file every time i made some trials.

Since we do not see the file and cannot see what the problem is, we can only agree with you: you found out the truth, LyX is a scam ;)

Seriously, depdending on problems, there may be easy or complicated solutions. Personnally curse more often towards Word or PoorPoint than towards LyX. YMMV.


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