I recently wrote a little command line utility called transmute that converts between various image formats using only the Quartz, CoreGraphics, and Cocoa APIs. Apple's sips utility can do the same sort of thing but, oddly, sips doesn't support EPS or PS.

transmute also has some other neat tricks like clipboard support, input and output from stdin/stdout and setting the page number for conversion (PDF only). It's available here:


Once installed, you just need to add this to your preferences file:

\converter "ps" "png" "transmute $$i $$o" ""
\converter "eps" "png" "transmute $$i $$o" ""
\converter "pdf" "png" "transmute $$i $$o" ""

And then there's no more dependency on ghostscript or XQuartz for EPS, PS, and PDF image previews.


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