2014-10-14 14:42 GMT+02:00 Wolfgang Engelmann:

>  I must have done something wrong with the encoding of my bib file; I am
> getting instead of mutated vowels a combination of characters both in the
> lyx file as well as in the pdf output (see attached). I am using Jabref as
> the reference manager and Kubuntu.
> Is this a matter of the setting in the jabref, and which one, or of the
> setting in lyx, and which one?

It looks line you use utf8 encoding for the bib file. I suggest you use
latin9 or whatever your document uses, instead (traditional bibtex and
bibtex8 cannot deal with utf8 encoding properly, anyway).


> Wolfgang
> <http://dict.leo.org/#/search=vowel&searchLoc=0&resultOrder=basic&multiwordShowSingle=on>

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