On Sat, Jun 13, 2015 at 8:23 PM, Kurt McCullum <kurt.mccul...@att.net> wrote:
> You could always try using the win32 mode that the latest version offers. I
> had some trouble with a usb to serial adapter and John put some code in to
> use the win32 API directly. This solved the issues I was having with my
> adapter. Since then I've upgraded my hardware and when using laddiealpha I
> don't need to run in that mode but your symptoms sound very similar to what
> I was experiencing.
> "laddiealpha com1 -win32" is how you would call it.
> Kurt

Yeah. It might help.

By their nature USB to Serial adapters can introduce some latency
between bytes as they try to (efficiently) map a byte at a time
(stream) mode of interaction to a time sliced, polled,
64-byte-per-packet link as USB is.

"Stock" TS-DOS ROMs have very little tolerance for additional latency.
Using the -win32 flag seems to reduce latency a bit.

On Windows, Prolific devices don't offer much in the way of
configurability to reduce latency. FTDI drivers are much better in
this regard, and I recommend them over Prolific on Windows.

So besides -win32, other options are:

a) Use an FTDI based USB to Serial adapter
b) Use a modified TS-DOS ROM like NEWDOS which has been patched to be
more lenient about latency. To use NEWDOS though you need to run REX
or be able to burn your own ROMs.
c) Use a TPDD client like TEENY which does not implement short timeouts

Similar problems happen with using TS-DOS over Bluetooth or TCP links
whether or not a USB to Serial port is involved.

-- John.

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