I'm using Talk Talk Business in the UK - they have a Worksafe URL filter mechanism to block sites based on categories. For some reason bitchin100.com is Pornographic - personally I don't see it ;)

I've emailed their technical support department to try and get the site de-listed.

Regards, Mark.

On 10/11/15 17:05, John R. Hogerhuis wrote:
That's weird. What search engine?

On Tuesday, November 10, 2015, Mark Wickens <m...@wickensonline.co.uk <mailto:m...@wickensonline.co.uk>> wrote:

    Great thank you - wasn't being thick, my ISP was blocking
    bitchin100.com <http://bitchin100.com>, so it never came up in a

    Regards, Mark.

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