On Monday, November 30, 2015, Steven Ranft <s_ra...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hi John,
> Thanks for the response. I have a few questions.
> Can you set up the Pi to start LaddieAlpha without user input? (Headless
> operation)

Yes. It's just an executable. You could call it from a systemd or init.d

The only concern would be exiting in case you want to access the command
prompt or some other utility (vim, mutt, w3m etc. )

Likely I would add a mode where it operates off stdio redirected to the
port instead of the serial port device directly. Then a simple Ctrl c would
cause Laddiealpha to exit.

> (So that only a power cable and M100 Serial cable are needed to use it as
> a TPDD)
> Can Laddie alpha be configure to write to the USB thumb drive?

It will write to whatever directory you are in.

If you only want to write to a usb drive pnly a udev/hot plug script could
launch Laddiealpha automatically once the usb is plugged in and the
filesystem mounted.

But really you don't need "headless" operation since we have a screen on
the model 100 and Telcom. I would just set up Getty on the serial port from
which I could launch Laddiealpha manually to run from any directory.

> I found this routine:

I've see some simple designs to add a battery or super cap to the pi board
that gives time to shutdown gracefully. We're adding such a thing to our pi
units at work since the sd flash corrupts frequently due to non graceful

-- John.

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