Maybe try LaddieAlpha on Linux? I suggest Laddiealpha because I've tested
it on Linux Windows and OSX.  And because I wrote and maintain it.

Desklink is a dos program and all but the dos users have abandoned it
because it is not reliable on new oses

Are you running it in an emulator?

But that isn't your problem.

Basic programs: some of the archives have basic programs with a BA files.
These will always transfer corrupted. The m100 interprets them as tokenized
basic files.  You need to rename to DO extension before transfer.

Now if you save a ba program from model t to TPDD service with a ba program
it will have a ba extension but then it's correct because it's binary not
plain text.

Laddiealpha automatically fixes extensions for you.

Anyway cold start your T and start over.  Your ram is already hosed.

-- John.

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