My 102 and 200 wall warts say 6V 400 mA output.

On 04/22/2016 05:35 AM, Joseph Remy wrote:
The back of my M102 says (6V 1.2W)

Online calculator says that would be 0.2 Amps.

Which is a heck of a lot less then the power source I picked up.

On Fri, Apr 22, 2016 at 6:00 AM, James Zeun <> wrote:
I thought I was 1amp

On 22 Apr 2016 10:57 a.m., "Jan-80" <> wrote:
That means we can use our Model T, powered bij a general-purpose USB
wall-wart? (using that or a similar cable)

That means we can power our model T from our laptop ?

As I work in an IT-dept., I have an un-ending source of broken
USB-equipment (keyboards, mice, ...) I can cut off cables from.

Isn't the spec for a Model T power adapter 6V, 500 mA ? I should check my
original PS...

On Thu, 21 Apr 2016 21:10:19 -0700, Bogdan Macri wrote:

The adapter comes with an inline extender that swaps polarity.  Just don't
use it on our portable family of devices.

Sent from my mobile device

On Apr 21, 2016, at 19:34, Donald Kyllo <> wrote:

Nice cable!  What kind of adapter do you use to swap the polarity?

I know the computer guys at a hospital computer department so I asked if
they had any broken keyboards.  I got one, cut off the cable, bought a plug
at Radio Shack and soldered it on.  It's not as nice looking as the Amazon
cable but it works.  I'm sure any large business or computer repair place
would be able to give you a keyboard or mouse cable.  However, for $10, the
Amazon cable is a good deal.  I might buy one myself.

I'm wondering how long a USB rechargeable battery would power an M100.  It
might be something to check out.  I know a 6 volt lantern battery will power
an M100 for a week with continuous use.

On 04/20/2016 05:11 PM, Bogdan Macri wrote:

I also have a USB to 6V reversed polarity with the normal polarity adapter

I think it came from the UK and it took a fair bit of time to arrive.

It works fine with the 102/200/8300…

Greetings from the TyRannoSaurus

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