Hi all,

I am a new TRS-80 Model 100 owner and I had some queries that I was hoping that 
I might be able to get some help with.

I just received a computer that I bought from eBay. I have been able to 
successfully run it on batteries and much of the computer appears to be in 
great shape. However, it has some issues that I didn't know about before I 
bought it (now I know some questions to ask in the future).

It looks like at some point it had some battery leakage in the AA battery 
compartment. There was a lot of grey-green-brown deposits on the plastic and 
battery contact wires. I was able to remove most of it using white vinegar but 
underneath the deposits, I see what looks like rust in some spots -- not places 
that contact the battery, but at the base of the spring coil contact, where 
electricity would at least need to flow through. I was wondering if there would 
be a way to replace the battery contact wiring without replacing the whole 
computer base?

There is also some bright blue corrosion on the DC power socket. I was able to 
remove some of it, but not all. Is that something that could be replaced?

The battery cover does not latch properly. It looks like part has broken off. I 
can secure it with some tape, but I was wondering if it would be possible to 
replace it? Is that something that could be 3d printed?

The computer still has its NiCd battery and it looks like it's in good 
condition but I think it would be a good idea to remove it. Would that be 
recommended? And if so, I was wondering what method would be best? I was 
thinking to detach the motherboard from the case and de-solder the battery from 
the underside. Is that reasonable?

I'm looking forward to getting to know the Model 100 and getting it running as 
well as I can.

Thanks very much for your help and I'm sorry for all the questions!


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