> -----Original Message-----
> So, on powerup, the 100 loads directly to REXMGR w/o it being invoked?


> When you get back to main, does CALL 63012 do anything?

It installs REXMGR on the menu, as you'd expect.  Launching REXMGR gets you 
stuck back at the same screen again, though.

> Did you make sure to remove the flux after soldering? The flash chip
> is especially sensitive to excess flux residue (in my experience).

I don't think I did.  I used a flux pen and a barely-visible amount of flux 
when I built it so I don't know if there's really anything there to remove.  
I'd have to check.

This issue can most likely be resolved by re-loading the REX software, but I'm 
just hoping for an alternative fix that might keep the data intact - my son is 
very concerned about losing his stuff (although he was only gone to his mom's 
house for two days with it so I can't imagine he's lost much - there was a 
program he was working on to play a new song he's been composing).


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