You know... thinking about that problem of needing a way to get a dos back
if you wipe ram, why can't we have multiple roms? Would it be theoretically
possible, assuming some new hardware, to break up the 32k rom address space
into smaller seperate chunks, so instead of having to choose ts-dos rom as
your only rom, or some other whole rom... what would it take to have a 1k
or 5k chunk that is just teeny or ts-dos that stays there all the time like
a normal rom, except it's only 1k, while the remainder can be some other
rom of your choosing as long as it fits?

For that matter, assuming the magic fictional hardware for the moment, why
not assignable chucks through out the whole 32k? Basically so you could
have whatever combination of apps you wanted. Like a bunch of virtual 2k
chip sockets.

Just in theory I mean. Of course I know no existing roms can operate this
way simply because they weren't written to.

Maybe what we *could* have, is a rom image builder, where you pick .co apps
in a ui, and it spits out a rom image. I assume the apps would each need to
be modified along the way by the image builder. It might have to supply a
menu too. Kind of like rex & rexmgr, but working within a single rom, and
not needing any special hardware to actually do the switching that rex
does. no cpld. Just a thing that outputs a single rom image that only needs
to be flashed to a plain old 32k rom. Like a build-your-own-UR2.

On Tue, Sep 11, 2018, 5:40 AM John R. Hogerhuis <> wrote:

> TEENY.CO is a good thing to keep as a sound file :-)
> Just be careful having it on your music player. You don't want to have
> teeny playing on your car stereo.
> True story.
> -- John.

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