Once I had a process down i was able to repeatably make mp3 files that
played from an iPhone 6 using audacity and a that Thinkpad laptop.

Using a dedicated TASCAM recording device was easier and reliable but those
are expensive.

My only problem is I didn't have much use for it. It's cool to be able to
bootstrap TEENY but other than that it's generally easier for me to use REX
+ TSDOS + laddiealpha.

-- John.

On Mon, Oct 1, 2018, 6:51 PM Stephen Adolph <twospru...@gmail.com> wrote:

> This subject always interests me.  But it is frustrating.
> I've been playing around with the files on Sonora.us.  awesome effort to
> put that together!  I do have some comments though.
> 1.  The audio files don't work for me in any scenario so far.  I believe
> that at least some of them are distorted.  I have not looked at them all.
> When I compare the signals generated by an m100 to the audio files using a
> scope there is a really big difference.
> 2.  As an aside I found that my pc audio output had a DC offset!  That was
> really hard to work with.  I has to make a cable with a series capacitor to
> get the setup to work at all
> 3.  Once I obtained *good* sample files, the number one determinant of a
> successful readback is drive signal level . Only my PC seems to be able to
> generate enough swing.
> 4.  Wav vs mp3.  Both are usable.  Once all the issues have been sorted
> these two file types seem to work equally well.  Mp3 a lot smaller!!
> 5.  T200 is pretty robust and not sensitive to volume that much.  T102
> seems to be more sensitive while m100 seems on the edge of working at all.
> Maybe it is specific to my machines.  All the circuits are the same on the
> schematic so I have no explanation.
> 6.  I use LINE IN for sampling and LINE OUT for playback on the PC.
> 7.  I amplify the sample files to maximum in the audacity effects menu.
> 8.  None of my portable devices Samsung s8  old Sony expedia nor my mp3
> player have enough drive signal to be reliable.
> I hate to say it but i believe that the files on the site may need to be
> resampled.  I think the approach of sharing the files over the net is fine
> but the audio files should look like a low pass filtered square wave.  I
> can send traces of M100 actual output of anyone is interested.
> Anyhow that is where I got to.  I still don't have a reliable working
> portable solution for cassette audio.
> Anyone out there having a different experience?
> Steve

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