Kurt...."held recorder in SHQ more (192kb mp3) works every time for me."  THAT 
is the equation! A minimum of  192k for MP3 files.

From: M100 <m100-boun...@lists.bitchin100.com> on behalf of Stephen Adolph 
Sent: Tuesday, October 2, 2018 2:52 AM
To: m...@bitchin100.com
Subject: Re: [M100] Audacity

Waveform looks good and similar to mine.  However Not at max signal swing.  I 
may have to boost it.

On Monday, October 1, 2018, Stephen Adolph 
<twospru...@gmail.com<mailto:twospru...@gmail.com>> wrote:
Thanks.  I will check that out and compare to my waveforms.

On Monday, October 1, 2018, Kurt McCullum 
<ku...@fastmail.com<mailto:ku...@fastmail.com>> wrote:
Sony ICD-PX333 hand held recorder in SHQ more (192kb mp3) works every time for 
me. In fact I gave up trying to record with my PC because I had so many issues. 
I've also used an older 720 model and it worked just as well. I could never get 
my PC to stop messing with the audio when I tried to record. I'm sure there is 
a way to do it but I gave up and used the voice recorder once I realized I was 
getting 100% reliability with it. I don't use it much any more but I always 
have it in my bag when I travel, just in case.

There are a couple of files that I put up in the members file area if you want 
to test the playback on your PC or phone.

Ram version of TS-DOS 100/102

Time Minder for the 200

I've played them back on a PC and they worked fine but most of the time I play 
them back on the Sony. Max volume.


On Mon, Oct 1, 2018, at 6:51 PM, Stephen Adolph wrote:
This subject always interests me.  But it is frustrating.

I've been playing around with the files on Sonora.us.  awesome effort to put 
that together!  I do have some comments though.

1.  The audio files don't work for me in any scenario so far.  I believe that 
at least some of them are distorted.  I have not looked at them all.  When I 
compare the signals generated by an m100 to the audio files using a scope there 
is a really big difference.

2.  As an aside I found that my pc audio output had a DC offset!  That was 
really hard to work with.  I has to make a cable with a series capacitor to get 
the setup to work at all

3.  Once I obtained *good* sample files, the number one determinant of a 
successful readback is drive signal level . Only my PC seems to be able to 
generate enough swing.

4.  Wav vs mp3.  Both are usable.  Once all the issues have been sorted these 
two file types seem to work equally well.  Mp3 a lot smaller!!

5.  T200 is pretty robust and not sensitive to volume that much.  T102 seems to 
be more sensitive while m100 seems on the edge of working at all.  Maybe it is 
specific to my machines.  All the circuits are the same on the schematic so I 
have no explanation.

6.  I use LINE IN for sampling and LINE OUT for playback on the PC.

7.  I amplify the sample files to maximum in the audacity effects menu.

8.  None of my portable devices Samsung s8  old Sony expedia nor my mp3 player 
have enough drive signal to be reliable.

I hate to say it but i believe that the files on the site may need to be 
resampled.  I think the approach of sharing the files over the net is fine but 
the audio files should look like a low pass filtered square wave.  I can send 
traces of M100 actual output of anyone is interested.

Anyhow that is where I got to.  I still don't have a reliable working portable 
solution for cassette audio.

Anyone out there having a different experience?


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