"I have ba files created with virtualT , and I want to send it to the Tandy

Hmm. Without a serial cable! That's a poser.

Best thing to do though is to get a usb serial cable and a null modem.
That's how everyone else does it :-)

Other way to do this would be to upload the file to a BBS (using Telnet)
that supports 300 baud and then dial your T200 into it to download. I
haven't used any BBS's in a long time though, so maybe someone else can
advise you of any compatible with the T200.

Another way is to simply print your program out and type it back into your
T200. Then CSAVE it, and you have a cassette copy.

If you have a bar code reader and software I guess you could create a set
of barcodes for your program and scan them in.

-- John.

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