Thomas Morehouse wrote:
> Thanks gentlemen.  I'd used serial cables (null modem) for transferring
> files between DOS and Windows machines before.  Forgot about the 100/102
> Telcom method.

If you use TELCOM, I'd recommend you keep the speed at 1200 or 2400
bauds. While the M100 can do 19200, I had a few issues using faster
speed until I got a proper cable and started using mComm/TS-DOS.

> I'm creating a database of all the aircraft we have at the New England Air
> Museum.

Sounds cool. :o)

> Much easier to use my 100, walking from plane to plane, than my Win10
> laptop.  Once created, I'll import the data into our main ResourceMate
> cataloguing system.

Are you using Super-rom? I was puzzled by the features of Lucid and Lucid DB.
I tried to use them for a pet project of mine but the 250
records/table limit made it impossible :o(


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