Jim the header you used to connect to the underside of the M100 is pretty
darn sturdy, I'm not sure why it was acting up. Best guess it a loose wire
some where or something like that, I'll check it out with my meter when I
get started on this.
Still I'm going to re-purpose it and try make a new, extended super DVI
cable, which will hopefully allow me to use the DVI the way I want to.

For those who might like to know, thus far using the US DVI here in the UK
has been a breeze. I'm using a step down brick for now, with a new PSU on
the way. See link to new dual output PSU

Hopefully when this arrives, it will be (fingers firmly crossed) an easy
job of swapping out the old US power supply with the new one and thus
eliminating the need for the step down brick.
I'm displaying the DVI through RF or UHF if you prefer and the picture
while a little fuzzy is perfectly acceptable given the age. I've not
actually look in to the DVI's other video output option, which I think was
intended for Tandy branded monitors. I'm slowly figuring out a method for
using the unit for writing, while being able to get the created document on
to my NADSbox. I use the M100 for creative writing and also doing articles
for my blog, so one way or the other the document needs to end up on SD

Random question does the DVI save data to floppy disk in the same format as
the TPDD?

On Thu, 12 Mar 2020 at 19:21, RETRO Innovations <go4re...@go4retro.com>

> On 3/12/2020 12:08 PM, James Zeun wrote:
> The home made cable that came with the DVI kept dropping connection, as I
> have a replacement I don't feel so bad about experimenting with it.
> I'm to blame, and I thought I should note it before someone else gets
> caught
> I have a TANDY cable, and 2 DVIs (package buy, as I recall).  I know how
> useless the DVI is without a cable, so I took a spot of IDE cable and
> purchased a 40 pin IDC header on Digikey to make up a second cable, test
> it, and then sell the unit.
> Notes:
>    - Stupid issue.  Forgot about the key in some IDE cables.  Not all
>    have the key, the spare I selected had one.  No major issue, a bit of drill
>    action and that's done (the cable has the connector in that spot, just
>    covered with plastic)
>    - More nuanced issue.  The headers from Digikey have the first wire
>    going to pin 1, second to pin 40, etc.  But, as I recall, the Model 100
>    needs the first wire to to go to pin 40, then 1, then 39, etc. (might be
>    backwards on the numbering, but hopefully the text illustrates the
>    mirroring).  Anyway, I had to pull the unit apart, cut the cable into 2
>    strand sections, twist them, and then re-assemble.
> I assume I made a newbie mistake on the header I needed to buy, but maybe
> this helps the next person wanting to construct a cable (or cable-like item)
> Jim
> --
> RETRO Innovations, Contemporary Gear for Classic 
> Systemswww.go4retro.comstore.go4retro.com

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