BTW that's not dl but rather ./dl

On Wed, 29 Apr 2020 at 17:04, Brian K. White <> wrote:
> On 4/29/20 7:50 PM, Kevin Becker wrote:
> > should've been 'make && sudo make install'  you should still be able to
> > run 'sudo make install' from the dlplus directory to finish the install
> Yes sorry, I typed it off the cuff not pasted from a session or from a
> doc, so of course I just had to get something wrong.
> make && sudo make install
> I just did a test run from scratch:
> bkw@negre:~$ mkdir stmp
> bkw@negre:~$ cd stmp
> bkw@negre:~/stmp$ git clone
> Cloning into 'dlplus'...
> remote: Enumerating objects: 112, done.
> remote: Counting objects: 100% (112/112), done.
> remote: Compressing objects: 100% (81/81), done.
> remote: Total 112 (delta 49), reused 88 (delta 30), pack-reused 0
> Receiving objects: 100% (112/112), 2.33 MiB | 11.39 MiB/s, done.
> Resolving deltas: 100% (49/49), done.
> bkw@negre:~/stmp$ cd dlplus/
> bkw@negre:~/stmp/dlplus$ make && sudo make install
> gcc -O2 -Wall -s -DAPP_LIB_DIR=/usr/local/lib/dl
> -DDEFAULT_CLIENT_MODEL=100 dl.c dir_list.c -lutil -o dl
> [sudo] password for bkw:
> install -o root -m 0755 -d /usr/local/lib/dl /usr/local/share/doc/dl
> install -o root -m 0644 -t /usr/local/lib/dl clients/teeny/TEENY.100
> clients/teeny/TEENY.200 clients/teeny/TEENY.NEC
> clients/dskmgr/DSKMGR.100 clients/dskmgr/DSKMGR.200
> clients/dskmgr/DSKMGR.K85 clients/dskmgr/DSKMGR.M10
> for i in clients/teeny/TEENY.100 clients/teeny/TEENY.200
> clients/teeny/TEENY.NEC clients/dskmgr/DSKMGR.100
> clients/dskmgr/DSKMGR.200 clients/dskmgr/DSKMGR.K85
> clients/dskmgr/DSKMGR.M10 ;do install -o root -m 0644 -t
> /usr/local/lib/dl ${i} ${i}.pre-install.txt ${i}.post-install.txt ;done
> install -o root -m 0644 -t /usr/local/share/doc/dl README.txt
> LICENSE clients/teeny/teenydoc.txt clients/teeny/
> clients/dskmgr/DSKMGR.DOC
> install -o root -m 0755 dl /usr/local/bin/dl
> bkw@negre:~/stmp/dlplus$ dl -h
> DeskLink+ usage:
> dl [tty_device] [options]
> tty_device:
>      Serial device the client is connected to
>      examples: ttyS0, ttyUSB0, /dev/pts/foo4, etc...
>      default = ttyUSB0
>      "-" = stdin/stdout (/dev/tty)
> options:
>     -h       Print this help
>     -b=file  Bootstrap: Install <file> onto the portable
>     -v       Verbose/debug mode
>     -g       Getty mode. Run as daemon
>     -p=dir   Path to files to be served, default is "."
>     -w       WP-2 compatibility mode
>     -f       Don't upcase file names when enumerating
> available bootstrap files:
>     TRS-80 Model 100 / Tandy 102 : TEENY.100 DSKMGR.100
>     Tandy 200                    : TEENY.200 DSKMGR.200
>     NEC PC-8201/PC-8201a/PC-8300 : TEENY.NEC
>     Kyotronic KC-85              : DSKMGR.K85
>     Olivetti M-10                : DSKMGR.M10
> Examples:
>     dl
>     dl -b=TEENY.200
>     dl -b=~/Documents/TRS-80/M100SIG/Lib-03-TELCOM/XMDPW5.100
>     dl ttyUSB1 -p=/home/john/wp2files -w -v
> bkw@negre:~/stmp/dlplus$
> --
> bkw
> >
> > On Wed, 2020-04-29 at 16:47 -0700, me wrote:
> >> It attempted to install the software but it didn't see the files in
> >> /usr/bin
> >>
> >> i didn't see the error that install was missing an operand. so once
> >> i
> >> get dl installed it should work.
> >>
> >> On 4/29/20 4:16 PM, Brian K. White wrote:
> >>> On 4/29/20 6:30 PM, me wrote:
> >>>> Got my cables. Connected my 200 to my linux workstation. It's
> >>>> plugged
> >>>> into the standard usb. I downloaded the software, expanded it in
> >>>> root, invoked teeny. I typed in the command run"cmo:98n1enn and
> >>>> it
> >>>> continues to fail in detecting the laptop.
> >>>>
> >>>> Could it be dosbox's listening to serial and not usb?
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>> Could you try:
> >>>
> >>> git clone
> >>> cd dlplus
> >>> make && sudo install
> >>> dl -h
> >>> dl -v -b=TEENY.200
> >>>
> >>> It uses /dev/ttyUSB0 by default, and that will only be correct if
> >>> there is only one usb-serial plugged in, and you haven't removed
> >>> and
> >>> re-plugged it within a few minutes. Otherwise, ls /dev/USB* and
> >>> see
> >>> what your device name actually is currently if not ttyUSB0, and
> >>> see
> >>> the help from "dl -h" to override that and other defaults.
> >>>
> >
> --
> bkw

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