Thank you so much! Embarrassingly I discovered my problem was that that I had 
to go into raspi-config and designate my country so the WiFi would work.  The 
packages I was trying to install on my raspberry pi weren’t installing because 
no internet.  Once I got that sorted and made a couple changes to configure I 
was good to go and successfully contacted a BBS with the setup.  Now I need to 
sort out out to exchange files.  Thanks again for your response.

Bill Miranda

On Jul 12, 2021, at 6:18 AM, Brian Brindle <> wrote:

HI Bill,

The divergence from systemd is frustrating but at last current versions of 
Raspian still have ifconfig... 

I'm using Raspian 10 here are my quick and dirty hints:

Get your termcap sorted:

You will note that termcap doesn't exist like it should though, so save the cap 
to a file and install it like so:

tic <termcap-file>

 I assume you are going to to the easy route and use a USB to serial adapter. 
You can use the onboard UART with some level conversion as I have done, but you 
have to get creative with the hardware. Check out the photos of my M100 hooked 
to my pi zero here:

Copy the template file /lib/systemd/system/serial-getty@.service to 
/etc/systemd/system/serial-getty@ttyUSB0.service    (Provided you are using 

In [Service] modify the ExecStart line to say the following: (Adjust your baud 
as you like.) 
ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty -o '-p -- \\u' 19200 %I trs100

Issue systemctl enable serial-getty@ttyUSB0.service

Do a ps -ax  | grep getty and you should now see a getty process running on the 
USB port. 

Connect your Model-T with a null modem cable to the serial port, set your TERM 
to STAT 98N1E and you should be good to go. Lots and lots of customization 
needed for it to be useful, I'm working on getting my notes together on this 
and hope to have it somewhere for reference soon. 

Hope this helps,

On Sun, Jul 11, 2021 at 11:09 PM Bill Miranda <> wrote:
> Can anyone point me to current instructions on how to configure a Raspberry 
> Pi so that I can connect my M100 as a serial console? I found numerous 
> websites with instructions for older versions of Raspian which were 
> pre-systemd.  I was able to get the M100 to connect to the Pi after a lot of 
> experimenting but I once I login I can’t get anything to work.
> Regards,
> Bill Miranda

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