HI Bill,

Glad you got it sorted in the end. A re-install would be my first direction
too. Typically ioctl gets upset for specific reasons, one of them being
that the initiation script for the PI didn't complete on it's first run,
another would depend on how the serial console was setup.

I'm going to assume a lot from your email, but it sounds like this was
working at home with the M100 but not at work. The only difference would be
you had WiFI connectivity at home is what I'm gathering, so I'm wondering
if you were also SSHing to the Pi from a PC or other device? That would
activate a controlling console (the SSH session) and allow an incorrectly
privileged or configured  to work. So maybe that was it?

I would highly recommend setting up a USB serial port as a getty rather
than letting the configuration scripts place a console on it. That
configuration is OK with the UARTs present on the PI, but they are there
always, the USB devices are added later in the boot so you can get into a
race condition where it doesn't start right.

I do hope it works for you, I have a blast using my M100 at work. I think
my most favorite time was during some required inservices at work. I knew I
was going to be stuck at a table all day so I wanted to have a good toy to
play with. The M100 is somewhat of a legend where I work, since I am the IT
director. I find that using a 30 year old computer as my daily driver and
being in charge of everyone's technology to really bother people, and I
enjoy that. Added bonus, the required inservice was on "Accepting Change".


On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 9:33 PM Bill Miranda <bill.mira...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I started over with a new install of Raspian and that made errors go away
> at home. It will be curious how it works at the office.
> On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 7:12 PM Bill Miranda <bill.mira...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> The errors I am getting are as follows:
>> -bash: cannot set terminal process group (868): Inappropriate ioctl for
>> device
>> -bash: no job control in this shell
>> Then it is not registering all my keystrokes on the Pi connected by the
>> USB serial cable that I got from Retrofloppy.com
>> On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 3:48 AM Brian Brindle <bbrin...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hey Bill,
>>> Weird, what sort of error is it giving you? That absolutely should work
>>> without any issues.. Dumb quesiton, do you have flow control enabled? (Last
>>> character on your STAT should be an E to accomplish this.) Sometimes that
>>> can cause this. Editing the wpa_supplicant file can be a bit of a challenge
>>> from the M100 with a traditional editor.. I do find it easier to
>>> either have my wpa_supplicant file pre-loaded, but there are options..
>>> When sitting at your local coffee shop, scan for wireless networks. Run: 
>>> *sudo
>>> iwlist wlan0 scan *to list the nearby networks. Do some fancy grep work
>>> or make sure you have your dot-matrix printer at the ready to capture it
>>> all. It's gonna scroll across the screen for the next 10 minutes, so sit
>>> back and enjoy your coffee, enjoy all the new friends you will make with
>>> your dot matrix printer screaming away - or alternatively just look for the
>>> wifi network on your phone.
>>> To add the config from the M100 and not use an editor:
>>> sudo wpa_passphrase *SSID-of-WiFi-Here* >>
>>> /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf    (Always make backups of the
>>> original files when on the M100! Easier to copy back than to try and edit
>>> with a tiny screen.)
>>> It should prompt you for the network password. Enter that and it will
>>> append the network to your existing wpa_suplicant.conf file.
>>> Then issue:
>>> sudo wpa_cli -i wlan0 reconfigure
>>> This will activate the changes.
>>> Hope this helps,
>>> Brian
>>> On Tue, Jul 13, 2021 at 12:38 AM Bill Miranda <bill.mira...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Brian your response was much appreciated.  I am still having a problem
>>>> with my Pi. I got it working at home but then I took it to the office and
>>>> plugged it in but I thought I would be able to change the wifi from the
>>>> terminal connection. No joy.  I guess I need to change the wpa supplicant
>>>> file at home.  When I got to the office, the M100 can log into the Pi but I
>>>> get a bash error with every command, even something simple like "ls".
>>>> On Mon, Jul 12, 2021 at 9:43 AM Brian Brindle <bbrin...@gmail.com>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hi Bill,
>>>>> I totally missed that you actually had your console working, sorry the
>>>>> systemd changes make me blind with rage.
>>>>> If you are primarily using BBSes X-modem works pretty well, if you
>>>>> have an X-Modem capable term on your M100. You can also send files to/from
>>>>> the M100 via the Linux command line with the sx (send x-modem) command.
>>>>> Brian
>>>>> On Mon, Jul 12, 2021 at 8:15 AM Bill Miranda <bill.mira...@gmail.com>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> Thank you so much! Embarrassingly I discovered my problem was that
>>>>>> that I had to go into raspi-config and designate my country so the WiFi
>>>>>> would work.  The packages I was trying to install on my raspberry pi
>>>>>> weren’t installing because no internet.  Once I got that sorted and made 
>>>>>> a
>>>>>> couple changes to configure I was good to go and successfully contacted a
>>>>>> BBS with the setup.  Now I need to sort out out to exchange files.  
>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>> again for your response.
>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>> Bill Miranda
>>>>>> bill.mira...@gmail.com
>>>>>> On Jul 12, 2021, at 6:18 AM, Brian Brindle <bbrin...@gmail.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> HI Bill,
>>>>>> The divergence from systemd is frustrating but at last current
>>>>>> versions of Raspian still have ifconfig...
>>>>>> I'm using Raspian 10 here are my quick and dirty hints:
>>>>>> Get your termcap sorted:
>>>>>> https://zork.net/~octal/mod100.xhtml
>>>>>> You will note that termcap doesn't exist like it should though, so
>>>>>> save the cap to a file and install it like so:
>>>>>> tic <termcap-file>
>>>>>>  I assume you are going to to the easy route and use a USB to serial
>>>>>> adapter. You can use the onboard UART with some level conversion as I 
>>>>>> have
>>>>>> done, but you have to get creative with the hardware. Check out the 
>>>>>> photos
>>>>>> of my M100 hooked to my pi zero here:
>>>>>> http://niedobry.com/mod100/tanpi/
>>>>>> Copy the template file */lib/systemd/system/**serial-getty@.service*
>>>>>> to* /etc/systemd/system/serial-getty@ttyUSB0.service    *(Provided
>>>>>> you are using ttyUSB0)
>>>>>> In [Service] modify the ExecStart line to say the following: (Adjust
>>>>>> your baud as you like.)
>>>>>> ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty -o '-p -- \\u' 19200 %I trs100
>>>>>> Issue *systemctl enable serial-getty@ttyUSB0.service*
>>>>>> Do a ps -ax  | grep getty and you should now see a getty process
>>>>>> running on the USB port.
>>>>>> Connect your Model-T with a null modem cable to the serial port, set
>>>>>> your TERM to STAT 98N1E and you should be good to go. Lots and lots of
>>>>>> customization needed for it to be useful, I'm working on getting my notes
>>>>>> together on this and hope to have it somewhere for reference soon.
>>>>>> Hope this helps,
>>>>>> Brian
>>>>>> On Sun, Jul 11, 2021 at 11:09 PM Bill Miranda <bill.mira...@gmail.com>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Can anyone point me to current instructions on how to configure a
>>>>>>> Raspberry Pi so that I can connect my M100 as a serial console? I found
>>>>>>> numerous websites with instructions for older versions of Raspian which
>>>>>>> were pre-systemd.  I was able to get the M100 to connect to the Pi 
>>>>>>> after a
>>>>>>> lot of experimenting but I once I login I can’t get anything to work.
>>>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>>> Bill Miranda
>>>>>>> bill.mira...@gmail.com

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