On Thu, Mar 17, 2022 at 1:15 PM Willard Goosey <goo...@sdc.org> wrote:

>  if you're going to use asm80/zmac/asx/tasm may I suggest my header files
> that document a lot of the ROM API for you?
> http://www.sdc.org/~goosey/m100/m100def-2020-05-09.zip (new version with
> Tandy 200 support RSN (i promise! :))

I'm looking forward to that Tandy 200 support. I've been curious about
learning 8085 assembly programming, but most people have the Model 100/102,
so anything I write for my T200 would have only a niche (of an already
niche) audience. Header files that would let me easily target m100 or t200
with the same code would be quite nice.

By the way, thank you for also documenting various methods of assembling
code. Do you have this written up on a Wiki somewhere?


P.S. Will your header files work with the GNUSim8085
<https://github.com/srid/GNUSim8085> assembler/simulator?

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