*Will Senn:* Thank you for risking your Model 100 for this deranged

*Peter Vollan:* Can't read it on which machine? Or, do you mean you
personally can't read it? Sorry about that. It was necessary to tokenize
the file, but that means it won't be human readable until you LIST it on a
Model T. Please keep trying. I assure you, it is worth it to see. How many
programs change which line GOTO 10 goes to simply by the existence of an
unused line 20?

@Ken Pettit <petti...@gmail.com>*:* By "VT", I believe Peter is saying that
your Virtual T cannot load my test program. I expect Virtual T does the
appropriate sanity checks which the Model T lacks. Do you have any interest
in adding the ability to load degenerate tokenizations like this which can
run on actual hardware?

*All:* Does anyone have a Tandy 102 who's willing to try GOTO10.BA



On Thu, Oct 6, 2022 at 11:14 AM Peter Vollan <dprogra...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I can't read it and VT doesn't like it.
> On Thu, 6 Oct 2022 at 05:48, Will Senn <will.s...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi B9,
>> That's one very weird file. Yes, it loads, lists, and runs on my m100.
>> Will
>> On 10/6/22 2:20 AM, B 9 wrote:
>> Alright, so this is kind of a weird one. I've been playing around with
>> the BASIC tokenizer I wrote and trying to break it by giving it weird
>> input. While doing so, I stumbled across some of those degenerate BASIC
>> tokenizations John Hogerhuis was talking about. No, I'm still not at his
>> level of embedding machine language in BASIC statements above the maximum
>> line number. I am instead exploring a more mundane mystery: how does a
>> Model T react to duplicate line numbers, out of order lines, and so on. I
>> haven't found this information online, but it's possible I'm just not using
>> the right search keywords.
>> Anyhow, I've written a test program, GOTO10.BA
>> <https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hackerb9/tokenize/main/degenerate/GOTO10.BA>,
>> which runs on my Model 200. Now I'd like to know if it works the same on
>> other hardware.
>> Would anyone be willing to try it on a Model 100 or Tandy 102 and tell me
>> if it RUNs and LISTs. By the way, the file is already in tokenized BASIC,
>> so it'll need to be transferred in binary mode, not ASCII. (For example,
>> using DLplus <https://github.com/bkw777/dlplus>, not TELCOM).
>> Thanks!
>> —b9
>> PS. Please note that while it is not malicious, it *is* purposefully
>> malformed and shouldn't be trusted not to lock up your machine, spill bytes
>> all over the RAM drive, teach your REX to roll over and play dead, use the
>> modem to prank call Bill Gates, and/or send a thousand messages to
>> everyone  you know declaring, "I <3 MODEL T 4 EVA!!!!1!!"

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