On 10/19/22 1:01 PM, Peter Vollan wrote:
36 dollars just for that?! For god's sake, you should have asked us first, there's lots of other places.

Haven't bought it yet - so suggest away.


On Tue, 18 Oct 2022 at 17:03, Will Senn <will.s...@gmail.com> wrote:

    I'm loving my m100. It's an endless source of fascination - very
    old school, but amazingly well preserved and usable. I haven't
    done much with it beyond learning about how to connect it to my
    Mac via serial - which works flawlessly in both directions with
    TEENY.CO <http://TEENY.CO> and dl, yay, running stuff from club100
    on it - go Starblaze :), and refreshing on BASIC sans renum and
    tron/troff! Mostly, I've been reading everything in sight
    (virtually speaking) and preparing to dive into its software guts
    more seriously - quickly moving into 8085 territory.

    BTW, I did get my BASIC banner program written and working as I
    remember it did in the 1984 timeframe based on the bitmaps in ROM
    (basically just asks for a string, get's each character of the
    string's character map, asks the user for a character to print and
    one to not print, pixel on char and pixel off char, asks for a
    multiplier, then prints to screen with the multiplier applied in
    both rows and columns, nothing fancy) - thanks for pointing me to
    the ROM address of the characters set. But other than that, It's
    all been reading and planning... which brings me to the weekend
    projects I have mapped out for the next bit of time:

    1. Get a REXCPM (ordered up) installed and running doing whatever
    it is that it does :).
    2. Get a Retro Printer and Centronix-Parallel printer cable
    ordered (saving up), installed, and running. Hopefully, it's like
    having an Epson MX-80 without the noise, greenbar and ribbon fuss.
    I do still want to print out pages and pages of dot matrix
    listings, but to my laser printer!
    3. Make a new Cassette Cable for my Califone AVR tape recorder
    which has MIC, not LINE. Got a plan, need cables - sheesh, amazon
    is expensive for 5 pin DIN male aluminum solderable, 2.5mm TS
    mono, 3.5 mm TS mono, 1/4 inch mono cable, and  570M ohm resistor
    ($36 USD). but I want to try the DIY route and I don't know where
    else to look for this kinda stuff... Yeah, I know cassettes are so
    70's, but hey I wanna see it work in 2022 and compare the
    experience with my PAL-1 (KIM-1) cassette stuff - which was dismal
    - very, very unreliable and fickle. I'm hoping to learn a bit,
    play a bit, and have it actually work more often than not.
    4. Write a disassembler or maybe even a monitor for the M100 based
    on what I've read about (Jake Commander's article) and experienced
    KIM-1, Apple ii-e, Commodore, etc. Surely, I don't have to live in
    5. Disassemble the M100 ROM - I know it's been done before, but
    surely I can do it too, right?

    That's what I have planned anyway, as it proceeds, I'm sure I'll
    get distracted with shiny objects and other interests, but hey,
    better to have a plan than not! This weekend, I have to update a
    couple of Research Unix howtos (v6 and v7), so I doubt I'll get
    much m100 stuff, but I just might :).

    Here are a few questions related to the plan - please feel free to
    answer them or to make comments or suggestions related to the plan!

    q1. Will the retroprinter let me print reams of dot matrix pages
    to laser printer or do I have to go to PDF and then print the PDF?
    q2. Is there a monitor for the M100 available?
    q3. Does anybody know of any available commercial assembler that
    runs on the M100 (I know about cross assemblers, but that's not
    what I'm looking for here and I know about cmzasm.ba
    <http://cmzasm.ba>, and byteit.ba <http://byteit.ba>, I'm looking
    for something commercial  - say the Tandy Assembler or the Custom
    Software Assembler)



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