> On Oct 31, 2022, at 1:31 PM, John R. Hogerhuis <jho...@pobox.com> wrote:
> The other way to do that is filesystems and backup agents that give you a 
> time machine feature.

My TPDD emulator of choice is pointed at a corner of my home directory.  My 
home directory is in a ZFS dataset.  The ZFS dataset is snapshot every 15 
minutes, rolled up into a week's worth of dailies, three month's worth of 
weeklies, a year's worth of monthlies, and a few year's worth of yearlies.

I have a habit of trying to keep DOS-ON when I can so most on-device BASIC dev 
can be sent off-device with an occasional SAVE"0:THING if I happen to be at my 

The notion of hooking SAVE to commits, though, is pretty attractive!  The 
granularity would be nice.

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