Hi all,

Happy Thanksgiving to all those who may be located in the US and celebrated!

I just wanted to share that since last year, I have done a bit more work on
Text Sweeper (Model 100 Minesweeper Clone), and have published a new
release to GitHub.


I have added a few changes since I last posted to the list, but the major
ones are:
1. Using an ML subroutine to switch between the game screen and help
screen. (way faster than the prior version)
2. Requiring less memory to run(approx 1KB less), by using ALTLCD as my
stack space for the search algorithm, switching to LIFO, and changing the
XY coordinate data structure from 4 bytes to 2 bytes.

As a reminder, the game is compatible with the M100, T102, T200, and the
DVI in both 40 and 80 col mode.


P.S. Has anyone had issues with Virtual T on Windows 10? the Memory Viewer
window no longer appears for me. It's made a little harder to debug whilst
coding. If anyone has any ideas, let me know.

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