On Tue, Dec 12, 2023 at 3:00 PM Mike Stein <mhs.st...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've never had any problems at 19.2K using Windows so, as John
> suggests. there may be Linux-specific issues.
> There are buffers in most if not all USB-RS232 adapters and also in
> the program on the PC at the other end, and sometimes these need to be
> tuned a bit. When I send a 25K file from TeraTerm to an M100, TeraTerm
> finishes in 1/2 minute or so, but the M100 still receives data for
> another minute.
> And don't forget that TEXT is usually effectively faster for
> transferring files since it doesn't have to display or scroll.
> m
Well Brian is seeing xon/xoff working fine with Linux at high speed with
his setup.

Maybe time to try the experiments again to figure out what is different.

Also T200 not working with hardware flow control? It used to. Steve ported
HTERM to it. I do recall we had issues with the > 19200bps baud rates on
the T200.

But what I recollect and what happened are not always the same thing.

-- John.

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