I recently changed my build (project located here:
https://github.com/IBM/platform-services-java-sdk) to start using an
alternate deploy plugin (bintray-maven-plugin) so that
I can more easily deploy my artifacts to a Bintray repository.   I have my
automated Travis builds set up to build the "deploy" goal only for a
tagged-release build.   This is working fine.

The issue is that within my local Eclipse environment whenever I trigger
the "Maven -> Update Project" action to refresh dependencies, I'm seeing
deploy-related errors in the "Problems" window and red X's appear on my
project names in the "Package Explorer" window.
I don't really want to trigger the "deploy" goal in my local environment
because I'm not interested in deploying snapshot artifacts and I also don't
have the necessary creds setup in my local environment.

Why is the m2e plugin seemingly triggering the "deploy" goal?   I've tried
to look for a way to configure the goal that is invoked by "Update Project"
but there doesn't appear to be one.
This error didn't occur when I was using the "maven-deploy-plugin", so I'm
wondering if there's some weird interaction between the m2e plugin and the

Anyone have an idea as to how to avoid these errors in my local Eclipse

Thanks in advance for any help!

Phil Adams
Georgetown, TX
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