Below, I've pasted VMWare's brief (four question) FAQ regarding Fusion 
compatibility with Mountain Lion. This is copied directly from their blog at:

Does VMware Fusion 4 work with Mountain Lion?
Yes, the latest version of VMware Fusion 4, version 4.1.3 works with Mountain 
Lion and is signed with our Developer ID. This makes VMware Fusion 4.1.3 
compatible with Gatekeeper, a feature enabled by default in Mountain Lion.

 What should I do before upgrading to Mountain Lion?
Ensure your copy of VMware Fusion 4 is up-to-date using VMware Fusion > Check 
for Updates. VMware Fusion 4.1.3 is the latest available version at the time of 

 I upgraded to Mountain Lion and now VMware Fusion 4 won’t start. What happened?
Mountain Lion appears to detect some older versions of VMware Fusion 4 and 
prevent them from launching. To resolve this issue, login to (free product registration required) and download VMware 
Fusion 4.1.3. It can be found under “Products & Downloads > All Downloads > 
VMware Fusion”

 Does VMware Fusion 3 work with Mountain Lion?
No. VMware Fusion 3 was released in October 2009 and was optimized for Mac OS X 
Leopard and Snow Leopard.  VMware Fusion 3 is no longer being updated for newer 
versions of Mac OS. Customers wishing to run VMware Fusion on Mountain Lion 
should use VMware Fusion 4. A free 30-day trial is available for current VMware 
Fusion 3 users. The trial can be found here:

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