Helo Zack

Well, I couldn't wait till tomorrow after all having read your message. Chris 
made the assertion earlier that Apple should have renamed some of the iTunes 
controls as tabs, rather than radio buttons. I agree with that point. Although 
it is still very easy to navigate with Voiceover, a certain level of 
interaction is required which was not required with the previous version. But 
overall, I think the upgrade is worth while. I too did not encounter any 
problems which I considered show stoppers when I tried it jut now. I was able 
to click the "Books" tab, for instance and, from there, click the "Audio Books" 
tab in order to further refine my search. Making sure that the "Library" tab 
was highlighted before doing all of this it was very easy to find what I was 
looking for.


On 2 Dec 2012, at 22:18, Zachary Kline <zkl...@speedpost.net> wrote:

Hi Lynn,
If I may say so, from a voiceover perspective the interface is at least as 
good, if not better, then the previous version. I however did not have some of 
the problems other people seem to have had with the previous version, so my 
perspective should be taken with an appropriate amount of salt. I am 
nevertheless very pleased with this new interface, and I think that Apple did a 
fine job.
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