Hello Chris

I would prefer to discuss this off list if that's alright. However, I'm going 
to answer your questions on this one occasion. if you wish to continue the 
discussion, that is fine. Please use the support address:
and we will be happy to discuss with you, same goes for anybody.

There is a very good reason behind the policy of not allowing forwarded 
messages. Actually, there are more than one; but I'll try and keep this brief.

Firstly, Mac Access was established as an independent group, where people don't 
have to tolerate all of the issues which happen elsewhere.  We do not wish to 
be seen as a "Dumping Ground" for all of that stuff which appears on similar 
groups. That issue is the most common reason why members who leave this group 
have given for doing so. They just don't want to see echoes of traffic.

Further, we are very aware that many of our European and Australian members are 
restricted in terms of their broadband throughput. We do not think it is fair 
that they should have to download the same stuff over and over again.

That is why we request that people remove the headers from anything they send 
to the group. We make very clear our policies in the policy document which we 
send everybody upon their subscription to this group. ignorance isn't an 
excuse. If people don't read the document that isn't our fault. Further, it is 
always available here:
so anybody can view that document at any time.

It would appear though, and I am sorry to have to say this, that the "Softly 
Softly" approach where we ask for cooperation is not working. People are simply 
ignoring our requests. So, when we get time, it's going to be enforced. Our 
technical person will sort that out. But we feel that the "Softly Softly" 
approach, where we simply issue a gentle reminder, is just not working. So 
henceforth, persistent offenders will be placed into moderation mode. We'd 
rather not do that as our life style is now very busy. But it seems we have 
little option. Like it or not, the policy document is going to be more 
rigorously enforced for the good of the group as a whole. If people which to 
send information to our group regarding something they think people should know 
about, all they need to do is write to us first and then, on the assumption 
that their message is okayed and the relevant consent obtained from the 
original author, wee will advise them as to how to proceed.

That's all I want to say on list. If you wish to discuss this further, feel 
free to use the above reply address.


On 9 Dec 2012, at 02:45, Christopher-Mark Gilland <ch...@clgproductions.com> 

I don't mean to be rude, please don't take it as such, and if I seem a bit 
snappy, please know, that there have been otherpet peavs tonight which have 
done by far and away more than tick the heck outta me, so just know before I 
ask this, I am not trying to sound rude, if I do.

What exactly though is the point of not forwarding msgs to the list?  I mean, 
the way I see it is, if there is useful information, then it may be worth 
others to read.  Also, Gordon, don't take this rudely, but from an i t tech 
standpoint, as I am i t certified, allow me to remind you something that you 
probably didn't consider.  Remember that copy and paste is a really nice thing. 
 Also, I don't think it's gonna be possible to filter forwards, mainly for the 
reason that you could make a script, or filter, or server sided c g i, or php 
or whatever script to handle this by means of a boolien statement while loop, 
that says if this variable is true, then, delete the message, else, let it 
through.  Then in the variable, you could say something like let variable="fw" 
or "fwd" but even doing this could easily be hacked.

People easily could either delete f w / fwd out of the subject field.  Boom! 
There went your filter.  Or, they could delete the forward indicator, fw, fwd, 
whatever, out of the subject, then could even go as far as to then just grab 
the mail to be forwarded, do a select all in the body, compose a new mail with 
command+n, type the list address, tab to the subject, call it whatever, tab to 
the body, and command+V, then delete the person's name from the bottom, put 
their name in place instead, then command+shift+D to send it off, and for all 
everyone else knows, it wasn't even a forward to start with.  It would look as 
if they themselves typed it from scratch.  The bottom line is, I don't see much 
point in this polacy, as though I understand maybe it not being good netiquet, 
you! all have to understand that trying to not allow this probably is gonna be 
very difficult to implement at best.  I didn't say you and Lynn had to agree 
with my opinion, but at least consider it.  I think you'll find, much as you 
both hate admitting it, I do have a very very valid point.


Gordon, Lynne And Tracy;

Telephone Support:

If you need our help and we cannot resolve your issue via the E-Mail mechanism, 
you can arrange to call us directly – or we may be able to call you if you 

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0800 8620538

Europe and other non-specified:
+44 1642 688095

United States Of America And Canada:
+1 646 9151493

+61 38 8205930
+61 39 0284505

+44 1642 365123

Please Note: All Support Requests By Phone Will Be Handled By Gordon.

Follow Us On Twitter:

Mac Access Dot Net; The British Mac Accessibility Network,  is a totally 
non-profit organisation whose aims are to assist and support sensory-impaired 
people who wish to get the very best out of their Apple products and services.


<--- Mac Access At Mac Access Dot Net --->

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